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"Sometimes the easiest way is the hard way."

-John Finn


"You'll be sleeping in a guest room towards mine, so if you have any problems just let me know." He smiled at me, bowed his head, thanked me, and left to his new room. I think tomorrow we should be looking some new clothes for him, seeing as he didn't have anything with him.

It was late now, so I just went to sleep, thinking about my Naruto, and not surprisingly, Atsuo.

'Why ? Why am I thinking of him ? I only love Naruto. He's not Naruto.'


Kiba's POV

"I'm serious ! He's the scariest person I've ever met !" I exclaimed to team Asuma and team Gai.

"Pfft, yeah right Kiba, he's just a replacement with amnesia. And Hinata told me he was nice." Ino argued but I just shook my head.

Hinata then intervened.

"Well, Atsuo-kun i-is nice, b-bu if he h-has a r-reason to b-be mad, he's q-quite scary." She stuttered and I nodded along her to the others.

"Well just have to wait and see." Choji munched and Shikamaru sighed.


I saw Sasuke walking seemingly alone towards a grocery store. He had his hands in his pockets and a usual emotional face on. Then Ino noticed him.

"Hey Sasuke-kun !" She yelled and Sasuke's head snapped towards us. His emotional face turned to an annoyed one. I stifled a laugh at his misfortune.

"What." He didn't ask. He commanded. He looked back at the store, but turned his attention back towards us.

"So, we just wanted know, what kind a person this Atsuo is ?" Ino asked, and Sakura piped in.

"I already told you Ino, he's calm. That's all you need to know, if you haven't met him yet." Ino shook her head and stared at the raven for an answer.

Third POV

A white haired teen was walking in a grocery store. He picked a few cans of milk, noodles, tomatoes, vegetables and other food that was written on the list he was given by Sasuke.

He paid for them, and the cashier smiled at him, a blush on her cheeks. The silver eyed was wearing a royal blue shirt he loaned from the Uchiha, and his black pants. His hair was on a braid. And on the braid was hanging red beads. His face was framed by the short locks that didn't reach the braid.

The white haired teen smiled back and thanked.

Outside the store stood a bunch of genins. Those that were asking Sasuke about Atsuo.

He didn't recognize anyone else but Hinata,Shino,Kiba and Sasuke along with Sakura from yesterday. The others looked.. unique, but not recognizable.

They were arguing about something, when they noticed a white haired teen who was carying few paper bags from te store. The girls blushed, and Sasuke inwardly drooled. He then proceeded to scold himself for thinking anyone else other than his beloved.

The teen with the bags walked over to them.

"Good morning Kiba, Shino-san, Hinata-hime, Sakura-san. Sasuke, I bought everything, along with some extra tomatoes." He greeted, and Sasuke mentally cheered for his beloved tomatoes.

Kiba,Hinata,Shino and Sakura greeted him with their own good mornings and Sasuke nodded at him, thanked the boy and took the other grocery bag from him.

"So you're Atsuo. Nice to meet you. I'm Shikamaru, this is my team, Ino and Choji." The lazy Nara greeted with interest. This Atsuo had peeked his curiosity, he was intriguing.

"Yes I am, nice to met you too." He said with a smile.

"YOSH ! YOU ARE YOUTHFUL ATSUO-KUN ! WE MUST LEARN THE SECRETS OF YOUTH SOMETIMES !" A teen with green spandex shouted, and Atsuo stared at him. He was... more unique than the others.

Everyone face palmed at Lee's antics, and felt sorry for the white haired teen, but to their surprise, Atsuo was shaking his hand and smiling at the enthusiastic boy.

"Of course, Of course, that sounds nice. What is your name, if I may ask ?" He inquired, and everybody stared at him. Lee was grinning at him.

Lee was about to declare his name but TenTen bonked him at the head and shut his mouth.

"Hello, his name is Lee, I'm TenTen and this is Neji." She introduced herself along with her team, and trying to keep Lee quiet.

"Nice to meet you."


"So Sasuke, what do you want to eat ? I can cook for us." Atsuo asked while helping the raven in the kitchen.

"Uh, homemade ramen, and you can cook, if you know how to." Sasuke's face was morphed into a solemn one when thinking of the food his boyfriend loves.

"Sure, I love ramen, it's really good ya know." Sasuke's solemn thoughts were transformed to a shocked ones.

"You do ?"

"Yeah, It's practically the only thing I can cook, I only served in the restaurant I was working." Atsuo smiled and took the noodles and the other ingredients for the food while Sasuke stared at him lost in his thoughts.


Tsunade's POV

"Are we sure it's him ?" I softly asked the jounins and one chunin (*cough* Iruka *cough*).

"Yes, Tsunade-sama." Kurenai answered. I grew curious.

"And how can you be sure ?" It took a minute for her to think of a good way to anwer.

"Weeeell, Naruto has a bite mark on his left arm, and Atsuo has it too, in the exact same place." She answered. Kakashi,Asuma and Iruka looked at her with confusion. Gai just grinned.

"And what is this 'bite mark' exactly ? Who bit him ?" I asked. Her face went red and Gai was still grinning, showing a row of too white teeth.

"IT'S THE MARK OF YOUTH !" He yelled while sparkling.

"Silence." I bellowed. "Who bit him ?"

"Um.. his boyfriend.." She mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows. Iruka had a question mark above his head, Gai was grinning now along with Kakashi, who took his book and started reading it. Asuma dropped the cigarette he was smoking from his lips.

"W-what do you mean, Kurenai-san ?" Iruka stuttered. It finally hit me like a brick wall.

"Ku ku ku ... "

"Kakashi, your nose is bleeding, and stop creeping me out !" Asuma yelled.

"So Sasuke bit him ?" Iruka asked, but still not quite getting it.

"Yes, let's just say that Naruto-kun better watch who he hangs out when we have him back, to avoid any jealous possessive boyfriends." Kurenai's voice was laced with amusement, her embarrassment now dealt with.

"Ooh..." Was all Iruka managed to croak out.

"That damn gaki biting my gaki..." I muttered darkly and all the occupants of the room sweatdropped.


AN//: gaki = brat

To all GrimmIchi shippers, I have a new story, which I'm going to start writing, The Journey. Thanks for the votes, love ya ^^

Peace out,


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