20.Chapter : Epilogue

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"You are terrifying and strange and beautiful, something not everyone knows how to love."

-Warsan Shire


Yes, this is what they both could call home. Nothing could get between them now. They both looked into each others eyes and smiled.

"Can I have some more ?" Sasuke chuckled at his lover.

Yes, this is their home.


"Why did you think this was a good idea anyway ?" Kiba grunted and Sasuke glared at him.

"I don't know why I even thought you'd be of help. You're a dumbass." Sasuke grumbled and Kiba growled. Shikamaru sighed and Neji shook his head.

"Sasuke, you have to choose now, Naruto is coming back in an hour." Shikamaru leaned at the wall of the shop and Neji nodded. Kiba muttered something under his breath which made Sasuke stomp over his feet.

"What was that for, asshole ?!" Kiba screeched.

"If you have complaints say them aloud, you mutt." Sasuke said and went back leaning towards the glass that held his shopping interests.

"I'm just thinking-" "That's a first." "Shut up! Anyway, are you sure about this ? I mean yes, you're both eighteen, but still." Sasuke glanced towards the brunette and hnnd.

"Kiba they have been together for a really long time." Shikamaru intervened. Neji nodded.

"Yes, even the incident with the transformation and memory loss over five years ago you'd think nothing would stand between them." He informed and Sasuke smirked. His matured face showed his smug expression and Kiba whined.

"But I still don't see why you asked me to come and why would Naruto even like someone like you." Sasuke glared at him.

"Kiba, shut up." Neji sighed and Shikamaru flicked the Inuzuka's head with annoyance.

"I asked you to come, because you might know what he likes, you hang out with him, even though I'm against for him to spend time with an idiot like you." Kiba huffed.

"He's an idiot too you know." He argued back.

"Not as much as you are." Shikamaru had to stop them from raising fists.

"Does anyone else know about your plans, Sasuke ?" Neji inquired and Sasuke nodded slightly.

"Well Ino and Sakura found out from that loudmouth over here," "Hey! " "And the others found out from the two other loudmouths. I think the only one not knowing of our...acquaintances is Lee."

"It's better if he doesn't know, he'll be too obvious." Neji said. "Yeah, but I'm beginning to regret ever telling the mutt."Sasuke muttered and Kiba huffed at him.

"I'm not going to be obvious !" Shikamaru sighed. "What ever you say."

Sasuke made a sound to express his annoyance and locked eyes with something behind the glass. He smirked.

"I think I found the one I was looking for."


"What is wrong with you ?" Naruto complains as his long time boyfriend drops his wallet because of his shaking hands.

"Nothing, sorry. Let's go." Naruto sighs and takes Sasuke's hand in his. Naruto had arrived to the village from a mission a few hours ago and it was late afternoon. The two were going to eat at BBQ's with the rest of their friends.

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