5. Chapter

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Week later~

Sasuke's POV

I was so mad when I found out what happened Naruto, and he was never seen again, the Hokage sent many shinobis, including me of course, to go back for Naruto, but we never found him, and nobody knew about someone named Naruto.

"Sasuke-kun, we have a mission, come on." Sakura said to me, but I just ignored her. 'I can't even leave this place, because Naruto is still missing. I have to find him. For now, I'll stay in the village, until we find my angel and bring him back home. I need to explain him, when I leave, even if it sounds really stupid. Hn.'


After we came back from the mission, which was just helping some old lady to clean her garden. It was boring, and all I could think was my missing sunshine.

"Oi ! Sasuke !" 'Ugh, who is it now ?'

It was Kiba, Hinata, Lee, Shino, Ten Ten, Shikamaru, Neji, Choji and Ino. 'Oh, for Kamis sake ?! Why me ?'

"Where are you going ? We were gonna go eat some barbeque, you want to come ? Sakura is coming too ?" Kiba asked. I groaned.


"But why ? Don't you think that you should socialize a bit, I mean, you were always with.."

"Naruto. I was always with Naruto. I don't need to socialize, what I need, is Naruto. And he isn't here. Bye." I said, and started walking to the training grounds to ease the ache in my heart. The others just sighed, knowing full well, that I didn't like people. I liked Naruto. I love Naruto, so they left to eat their barbeque.

When I arrived to the training grounds, I started training on full force, I needed some peace. And the only way was to train till I'm too exhausted.


I woke up from the training grounds, where I had passed out last night. I walked my way through the village, ignoring everything and everyone. I stopped by the store to buy some tomatoes, and went home. When I entered the kitchen, I had a flashback of my golden vixen.


"Sasuke, I'm trying to cook some dinner here." My little blond tried to reason with me, when I had my hands on his chest, teasing him, while he was making some miso ramen for him and tomato ramen for me.

"Nah-ah, Naru-chan, you're just too delicious for me to keep my hands from." I smirked while I kissed and sucked his neck, and he unconsciously tilted his head, giving me some more access.

"I'm AH.. t-trying to cook..Sasuke.. NNghhg.." Those sweet moans escaping from his mouth made me want to ravish him some more.

Naruto tried to cook, he was almost finished anyway, so what's the problem ? He was trying to check if the noodles were ready, but it was pretty hard for him with his little hands shaking and his eye lids half closed from lust.

"It's already cooked, aisubeki." I continued smirking, and turned to stove off. He turned so he was facing me, and attack my mouth vigorously.

"Excited now are we ?" He nodded while blushing madly, I put my hands on his bottom, and slightly pulled him closer, so he jumped and wrapped his legs around my waist while kissing.

I turned to the kitchen table, and dropped him on it. He pulled my shirt, and I did the same to him. His small body pressed against my bigger one, and my pale hands exploring his tanned beautiful skin. Naruto, now panting on my kitchen table, his beautiful blue ocean eyes half lidded with lust, and a band of scarlet creeping on his face.

I attacked his mouth, and he opened it. I snaked my tongue inside his mouth exploring every bit of it like I'd never had.


When I was done washing our sticky and sweaty bodies, I laid him on my bed, and cuddled next to him, and we drifted to blissful nap.

When I woke up after half of and hour, I stared down on my blonde boyfriend, whose blonde eyelashes were shining golden with his hair in sun rays. His cheeks still graced with a blush, and his pink lips slightly parted, as he breathed peacefully.

"Sasuke..?" I heard him whisper hoarsely. I nodded at him, and he smiled, while still blushing that adorable blush of his.

"Oh, maaan..." He groaned, while sitting up.

"What is it ?" I asked, slightly worried all of a sudden.

He glanced at me, disappointment clear in his tired blue eyes. "What ?" I asked again, a little panicked.

"Our ramens are cold now."


I couldn't help but to laugh at the memory. He and his ramen. 'I miss him. Is this what it would have felt if I had left the village ?'

I tried to clear my mind, and eat my precious tomatoes, but still thinking of that dobe.

AN//: I need a temporary name for Naruto to the next chapters, because he doesn't remember his name, so something that fits him, a japanese name of course, and it would have some cool meaning behind it, ya know ?

Anyway, thanks for reading, voting, following and commenting, it means allot.^.^

Peace out,


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