1. Chapter

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Third POV

It was a few months after the Chunin exams, our brooding hero called Sasuke Uchiha was currently with the love of his lonely life, the sunshine hero, blonde knucklehead, Naruto Uzumaki.

Sasuke was going to leave Naruto and the village to go to the snake sannin, even if it hurted him for leaving the only light in his life. Naruto of course didn't know that his raven headed boyfriend will be leaving him behind and going to avenge the slaughter of his clan.

They were currently waiting their sensei to come before leaving the village, because they had a mission in the village hidden in tears. It was going to be Sasukes 'last' mission before leaving. His team of course didn't know of his plans, neither did anyone else.

The mission was a C-rank, they were to deliver and bring back some scrolls, that the current hokage, Tsunade had given them. There will be many shinobis coming after the scrolls, Tsunade had said to them.

"Ugh, when is he ever going to be on time. He's always late !" Naruto groans in annoyance. Sakura hums in agreement and Sasuke just stares the blonde.

Naruto turns to Sasuke and sees him staring at him intensely.

"What ? Do I have something on my face ?" He asks and huffs in annoyance when his boyfriend doesn't seem to be even listening to him. After a while, Sasuke comes back to Earth from Heaven when staring at his blonde beauty.

"No dobe, your just so whiny." He answers to the boy next to him. He loves riling him, it makes him look so cute. Sasuke succeeds when the 'dobe' hits him on the arm.

"Well you were staring at me you teme..." He didn't get to finish his important sentence when Sasuke grabs his chin and kisses him full on the lips. Sakura blushes and turns away from the couple while holding her nose.

Naruto was first shocked at this because his always cool and brooding boyfriend never kissed him in public like this. Maybe on the cheek or just a peck at the lips, but never was he done this. Sasuke licks the blondes lower lip asking for access to his lovers mouth. Naruto was too dazed to do anything so he bits his lip so Naruto gasped in slight pain and opened his mouth enough for him to snake his tongue in his hot cavern.

A slight moan escaped the ukes mouth, and Sasuke smirked at that. Naruto grabs Sasukes trying to deepen the kiss, if it was even possible, and the raven was about to slid his hand inside his boyfriends shirt when they heard and awkward cough and their senseis voice.

Kakashi's POV (few minutes before)

'Oh, I'm a bit late, well, like it's gonna be a surprise.' I walked through the village, when I reached the gates, first thing I saw was Sakura passed in a little puddle of blood while holding her nose. First I started panicking, but when I saw the cutest couple in the whole village.

There they were, Sasuke holding Naruto and kissing him like there was no tomorrow and Naruto tugging his boyfriends hair. I was going to let them do what they wanted, when I noticed that Sakura was waking up, and Sasuke was starting to 'deepen the level of their making out' when his was going to slide his hand in Narutos shirt I decided to interrupt their moment with a cough.

They stopped and turned at me, Naruto was red a tomato, and Sasuke was just standing there, smirking like he just won something, although I could see some sadness hidden in those eyes.

"Kakashi sensei, we ..." I interrupted Naruto with a wave of my hand dismissing the whole situation.

"It's okay Naruto, let's just help Sakura to get back to her feet and get going." I said to him. I was okay with their relationship, because I myself had a cute dolphin named Iruka Umino waiting for me to get back home, he was the whole reason I was always late.

When Sakura was back on her feet, we left the village. Sakura leading, after her was the couple, who were holding hands (which made Naruto very red) and me on the back.

'This is going to be a memorable mission with those two.'

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