2. Chapter

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Third POV

As the team wandered to their destination, Sasuke was stealing glances at the blonde beauty who was walking beside him. His sun-kissed skin, radiant golden hair, too big orange jumper which made him look so small, oceanic blue eyes that were the bluest among all blues. His sunshine.

"We're gonna rest the night right here, so assemble your tents." Kakashi said to his students.

Sasuke smirked, he wanted to spend some 'alone together' time with his blonde so he "forgot" his tent.

"Uh, Kakashi sensei, I don't have my tent, I think I forgot it." Sasuke announced.

Naruto being the oblivious didn't understand why Kakashi and Sakura blushed at what he said to Sasuke.

"Well you can share with me Sasuke if it's okay with you ?" Naruto asked obliviously ignoring even thinking that maybe this is what his boyfriend was planning for.

"Of course I don't mind, thanks Dobe." Sasuke answered to the blonde.

"Well that uh... solved the problem." Their sensei said.

After they had made their way to the tents to go 'sleeping', Kakashi had the first watch.

Sasuke's POV

"Hey Naru~" I cooed to my blonde who turned to me with an asking face.

"What ?" I just smirked and kissed him, and snaked my hand under his shirt. He blushed furiously.

"Whaaa..! Sasuke we can't, they'll hear...mmmffm..!" I muffled him with my tongue, and placed a silence seal on the tent.

"Now it's all better so can we continue ?" I asked while tearing his and my shirts off. He just nodded, his eye lids only half way open, panting with a red tint on his cheeks.

I licked his chest, and his neck, leaving love bites on his beautiful tan skin. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and gave me more access on his bare neck by tilting his head on the side.


We were now laying next to each other, Naruto nuzzling his nose on my neck. I sighed.

"You're mine, and only mine you know that ? I love you and always will, no matter what happens." I whispered to him. He looked at me with a smile on his tired face.

"I know, I'm always gonna be yours and I'll always love you Sasuke." He said to me. I was so happy. But so sad. This'll be the last time for a very long time.

They smiled and snuggled closer, and started to doze off.

Third POV

'I wonder why I don't hear anything from their tent.' Kakashi thought when he hadn't heard anything when his students went to their tents, oblivious of the happening in the tent. He just didn't hear anything because of the silence seal.

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