8. Chapter

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"People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don't think that's true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world."

-Kim Culbertson


"Remember that there are always people who love you, and you're always welcome back otouto."

"Until the next time."

"Until the next time."

~In Konoha~

Sasuke's POV

'It feels like something good is about to happen.'


Kurenai's POV

We had been walking for a few hours now, I glanced at my team and our guest. Hinata was smiling softly, Shino was...Shino and Kiba was ranting about something to Atsuo/Naruto while Akamaru was just walking next to him.

'I hope everything will be okay.'

"...So then I was like 'Woaaah' and everyone was like 'omg' and I started...-" "Kiba-san for the love of my dear sanity you have told me that story a few hours ago." Atsuo interrupted Kiba's rant, and Kiba just huffed. I think he really begins to like Atsuo. Even more than he did Naruto.

"So, team plus Atsuo-san. Let's start a fire next to that stone wall and stay the night in our tents." I announced. 'Whoops ... We don't have a tent to our guest.'

Atsuo turned to me. I look at his features. He was so different but so similar it was scary.

"Kurenai-san, how many tents do you have ?" He asked while sitting down on a large log and cracking his neck.

"Well... four."

I heard him mutter something under his breath, and Kiba ran towards me.

"Sensei ! We are done. But where does Atsuo sleep ?" He asked and I sighed while hearing another fit of annoyed mutterings from the white-haired teen sitting across me.

"Oh, well we don't have enough tents, but he'll sleep with you if it's no trouble. I doubt Shino can give any space because of his buzzing bugs and Hinata and I want some privacy. Is that okay with you Atsuo ?"

*Muttering about some stupid tents*

"Just fine."

"That's settled then."

~Time skip : next morning~

Atsuo's POV

I woke up next to a snoring Inuzuka, so I was in bad mood. I rose up from my slumber and got out from our shared tent. That was the most awkwardest sleep I've ever had.

No one else had yet woken so I just sat there in silence finally getting to think about things. 'Was this the right thing to do ... I was quite happy with my life even if I did live in the village for just a few weeks. And who is this Sasuke character ? He seemed ... Familiar.'

"Morning Atsuo-kun." I hear from my left. It was Hinata.

"Oh, hey Hinata-san." i greet her with a smile.

"Everything a-alright ?'" She asks. I sigh.

"I just want to remember everything." I say to her absentmindedly.

She smiles at me. "Everything will be alright Atsuo-kun." 'I sure hope so.'

~In Konoha~

Tsunade's POV

I was just about to drink some of my precious sake when a bug came flying in to my office. It was from Kurenai's team. One of Shino's bugs carrying a small paper. I opened it.


We may have found Naruto. He doesn't look the same or act the same, nor does he have any recollection of his past, but everything matches. The time when he lost his memory, the place he was found unconscious, and the way he fought some thugs. He had been named Atsuo, he is stoic and smart, but also sympathic and has a temper.

We are bringing him back, so you may help him with his memory, and we may have our knucklehead back. I sincerely recommend for you to not tell anyone who we may think he is, because of the Uchiha. You understand, don't you ?

We'll be back 5th day.

Yuhi Kurenai

I smiled to myself. A lone tear escaped my eye, but soon wipe it of because the door was being knocked.

"Come in."

It was Iruka with Team 7. Or what was left. Without Naruto it's been hell. Sasuke looked more broody than usual, Sakura was sad all the time and Kakashi was trying to drown himself in the orange books. Iruka was so worried all the time. I just hope this Atsuo is our Naruto.

"What can I do for you ?" I ask while folding the letter I got while softly smiling.

"We wanted to know if there was any news from Team 8." Iruka says and I try to hide my smile. Sasuke looks at me with so hopeful eyes, I almost tell them about Atsuo, but I realize it may not be such a good idea.

"Yes, I received a letter not too long ago. They didn't find Naruto. But they're bringing someone else." I announce to them. They have different reactions. Iruka frowns, Kakashi sighs, Sakuras eyes are starting to water while Sasuke just looks angry.

"Who are they bringing ?! Shouldn't finding Naruto be the first on the list ?" The angry Uchiha demands. I sigh in annoyance. 'Tch. Little brat. You have no idea how high the gaki is on my list.'

"Well Uchiha, He's the replacement for Naruto just for a while, he's amnesiac, and Kurenai promised that I'd help him. And there's two other teams right now trying to look for him." 'Although I think I should call them back seeing that Naruto may be on his way home right now.'

"But Hokage-sama-" "No buts Sasuke, he's name is Atsuo, and I sincerely recommend for you to be nice to him. I had been informed he has a temper." I mentally smirked to myself thinking about how he would act and look now. 'I will help him.'

"Tch. Whatever, I'll act nice for the time being. But when I have my Naruto back he's out of the team." Sasuke scoffs. 'You have no idea how right you are.'


AN//: Hello sweeties ^^

Long time, eh ? Well here ya go with some update. Sasuke and Atsuo will meet "again" in the next chapter, so until then.

Peace out,


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