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"I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are evil."

-J.R.R. Tolkien


The first to run in is none other than Sasuke, followed by Naruto's friends, all the senseis including a worried mother hen called Iruka.

Sasuke freezes when he sees the Atsuo now transformed his boyfriend.

"What is this ?" He asks wide eyed. Tsunade and Shizune glance at the others, and team 8.

"I think there's something we need to tell you." She says.


Sasuke's POV

"...." I couldn't say anything. I just stared Atsuo. Who looked nothing like Atsuo. He looked like...

'What is this ?' I frowned and composed myself, not daring to let the few tears glide down my cheeks at seeing who he looked like now. I could feel a lump on my throat, making it hard for me to swallow.

Tsunade and Shizune glanced at all of our faces and then looked at Atsuo and then each other. Then the blond woman began to explain it to us.

"When team 8 met Atsuo, they had their suspicions about him, he had lost all his memories at the exact time when one of our own went missing. And when they saw him fighting, they could see the style of his fighting reminding them of someone." She took a deep breath, and I swallowed the lump on my throat.

"Kurenai here, confirmed to us who Atsuo really was, with a mark that Naruto had, because Atsuo had it too." She lowered her gaze to the sleeping blond for a minute and raised her gaze towards me and continued.

"So the team asked him to come here, not telling Atsuo about his 'true self'. He agreed, when Kurenai promised that I'd help him to recover his memories." Sasuke's mind was swirling like a maelstrom. 'It was Naruto this whole time ?'

"We deduced that when Naruto and his team were attacked, and when you-" She pointed to me, Sakura and Kakashi. "-fell from the cliff, they injected some kind of potion, that changes your appearance and erases your memory. I know few things about the potion, and the few certain things I know, is that this isn't permanent, the recovery will be and has been very painful, and that this sort of potion is very rare, but not very expensive. No one wants to buy this sort of drug because of the unbearable pain and because it is hard to find." I clenched my fists, but did nothing. Someone, I think Shikamaru, asked.

"What is the potion called, because I haven't heard of anything like this, Hokage-sama ?" Tsunade glanced at him and sighed.

"It's called Atatameru." She answered and Shikamaru nodded while looking at the patient on the hospital bed oblivious to the world. Tsunade, yet again, continued.

"We decided not to tell anyone about Atsuo, until we could confirm we could certainly help him. But I didn't get the chance to, because this-" She pointed to the unconscious blond sleeping peacefully, making everyone's faces turn from shocked to happyish. I just stared Atsuo. Or is it Naruto now ? My heart was clenching and I wanted to go and embrace my lost boyfriend, but controlled myself.

"-already happened before I could do anything. I don't think he has any of his memories yet, but we'll help him." She finished, and straightened her jacket. I swallowed again, and braced myself, I had to make sure.

"So..-" Everyone's eyes were on me, looking with pity, which I despise. "-he...is...Naru..to...?" I asked with hope in my voice. Tsunade smiled at me, and I blushed with embarrassment for talking like that.

"Yes, Sasuke. This is Naruto." I tried to compress my smile, and my knees buckled. I was on the floor, my hands holding my face. Even if I tried to hide my tears with my hands, but everyone still saw. I could feel a hand on my shoulder, as if trying to comfort me, but I just released a shameful sob. Oh how I hated myself right now. I am an Uchiha. Not to feel. And certainly not to sob in front of everyone.

"But I must say this again, Sasuke, to you." I heard the Hokage say with her now soft tone, which she usually doesn't use with me. I was wiping my tears, now that my sobbing had subsided and crying stoppedish.

"I don't think he remembers anything, but we need to tell him everything when he wakes up. You can't scare him, even if you did miss him, like we all did." A row of nods and noises of agreement filled the big hospital room. My heart clenched yet again, but I nodded. She grinned and patted my head. I tried to glare at her, but the tear stains on my face and my red eyes didn't seem so scary right now.


Everyone froze when they heard a soft groan from the bed. I tried to stand up quickly, but my legs were swaying and not doing what I wanted, I almost fell again, if Sakura didn't help me stand and when I glanced at her to thank her, she just smiled and gestured for me to go to the now waking blond on the huge bed that made the small boy look even smaller and fragile.

I swayed towards Tsunade a bit. She got was I was doing and reached down towards me. I whispered in her ear.

"What am I ...supposed to call him ?" She looked at me quizzically and then whispered to my ear.

"Just some pet name you used for the both of them. What was it... dobe ? Use that, we don't want to confuse him anymore that he's already." I nodded, straightened myself and leaned towards the groaning blond. I smiled when I saw my beloveds familiar whisker marks and that sinful tanned skin.

"Dobe ? Can you open your eyes ?" I said and heard some snorts in the room. I rolled my eyes and waited for a response.


AN//: Atatameru = the swipe

Thanks for reading and all ^^ Next on the update list : Kiss Me Raven (SasuNaru) Look on to that in a few days

Peace out,


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