14. Chapter

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"If this continues, if this goes on, then when I die, your memories of me will be my greatest accomplishment. Your memories will be my most lasting impressions."

-David Levithan


"What am I ...supposed to call him ?" She looked at me quizzically and then whispered to my ear.

"Just some pet name you used for the both of them. What was it... dobe ? Use that, we don't want to confuse him anymore that he's already." I nodded, straightened myself and leaned towards the groaning blond. I smiled when I saw my beloved's familiar whisker marks and that sinful tanned skin.

"Dobe ? Can you open your eyes ?" I said and heard some snorts in the room. I rolled my eyes and waited for a response.


Atsuo's/Naruto's POV

Darkness.. that's all I see. Emptiness...is all I feel.

It's like I'm floating in the darkness, not able to feel anything.

Sasuke ?

Where is he... I ...I need to see his face, hear his voice, feel his touch.

I don't know why..

Third POV

Everyone was waiting for the blond to open his eyes and curse at Sasuke for calling him dobe. But none of that came.

He still was just laying on the hospital's white and large bed with many kinds of tubes and IV's hooked on him. He still was unresponsive. He still was sleeping. Why wasn't he waking up ?

"Maybe h-" Kiba's voice was undermined by the sound of a soft groan. He and the others immediately took a few steps further towards the huge hospital bed and Sasuke took Naruto's hand in his own.


Sasuke widened his eyes along with few others, and Tsunade stalked towards the blond, who was trying to wake up. She placed her hand on the blond's forehead, and the hand began to glow green.

"Gaki, open your eyes. Any aches ? Everything is good ? Are-..." Her questions just flowed out of her mind, as no one could listen to her, to engrossed on the waking patient, even the blond himself zoned her ranting out.

A pair of the most beautiful sapphire eyes opened, and Tsunade stopped her ranting and smiled down on her surrogate 'little brother'. Sasuke's hand squeezed harder, as his deep black eyes were filled with positive emotions for the first time in a long time.

"Ngh...Where...am...I ?" The blond slurred. It took a few minutes for him to think normally, he was too dazed to realize where he actually was. When he received no answer, he tried to sit up, but a strong hand gently pushed him back down to the bed.

"Lay down, your still dazed. and you're in the hospital." Kakashi said and retreated his hand from his students chest. The blond nodded, and looked around the room.

"How do you feel ?" Tsunade asked, still not convinced if Naruto actually remembered anything. The hazed blond glanced at the Hokage before muttering sarcastically.

"Peachy, Hokage-sama."

Those words spread dread in everyone's hearts. He didn't remember. In his mind, he was still Atsuo. Not Naruto. Sasuke dropped his gaze from his boyfriend to the floor, but he still couldn't take his hand away from the blonds, only squeeze it.

"Atsuo ?" Someone from their friends said.

"Yeah ?" The blond answered and Tsunade gritted her teeth. Atsuo/Naruto looked quizzically at the others, whose reactions to his answers were not so happy. He scowled, and took his hand away from the raven's hold, which bit by bit, broke the other's heart.

"What's your problem ?" He asked with a little malice in his soft voice. Tsunade immediately softened her hardened face and smiled apologetically.

"Everyone, I'd like for you to step out of the room for a bit." The blonde Hokage said, and reluctantly everyone left them alone. Tsunade took a chair and sat down.

"Atsuo, do you feel any different ?" The blond looked at her, and thought about it for a second before nodding.

"I...feel like I'm smaller ...and if something was missing." The other blonde nodded and took his hand on her's.

"I need to tell you something, you're going to relax, and not panic, okay ?" The other nodded, not trusting his voice just yet.

"We know now who you are, your real identity." The teen widened his now blue eyes, and she continued. "You are a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. You are from around here. You have friends, a boyfriend, a team, and you are loved. You have a huge amount of chakra in you, because you are a jinchuuriki. Your parents died the day you were born, your father as the village's hero, the yondaime hokage, and your mother as his wife. She was also a jinchuuriki. Do you know what that is ?" When receiving a nod, she again, continued.

"We know your name, your talents, your good heart and strong will. You are Uzumaki Naruto. Your boyfriend is Uchiha Sasuke, who is also your teammate, along with Haruno Sakura, and your sensei is Hatake Kakashi." She silenced the other by putting her other hand on his mouth, to stop him from saying anything. "When you collapsed, we don't know exactly why, but you regained your true appearance."

She handed him a mirror with the hand that was on top of the teen's. He took the mirror with trembling hands, and looked at himself. And screamed.


"Did you explain everything to him, Lady Hokage ?" Kurenai asked as the other woman came out of Naruto's hospital room, which was now only occupied by the now unconscious patient. She nodded, and told everyone to follow her to the Hokage's office.

"Lets talk in my office, Sasuke, don't you even dare to go to his room right now, he's currently sleeping, which I think is better for him." She grunted at the raven who was just about to sneak in to the room, his hand on the doorknob.

Sasuke stared at the doorknob, but followed the Hokage anyway. Kakashi made sure he didn't try to sneak away again.


"So I take it didn't go so well, Lady Tsunade ?" Shizune asked while pouring some sake to the blonde woman who sat down to her table. She nodded and took a gulp.

"Why did he scream ?" Ino asked and Tsunade sighed.

"I handed him a mirror after telling his real name." came the simple answer. "And after he screamed he fainted."

Sasuke balled his fists but didn't say anything.

"Do you think he'll believe us ?" Kakashi asked. Tsunade shrugged. "Maybe. I think so, though. It's just gonna take time."

"I will make sure he will remember." Came a hard voice, and everyone turned to look at the source, which was the Uchiha, who grabbed the Hokage office's doorknob, and twisted it open.

"I promise." He said and left.


AN//: teme = means 'you', but in the Naruto series, it was used in a threatening manner, so to speak, I don't know how to explain it.

jinchuuriki = literally means 'human sacrifice', for those who don't remember, it meant the host of a Bijuu ( = tailed beast)

Thank you for voting and commenting, I always love the reviews, so keep it up ^^ Also, next on the update list is Kiss Me Raven (sasunaru) and The Journey (GrimmIchi).

Peace out,


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