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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson


"Let's go home."

"Yeah, let's."


Warning: M-rated chapter


"Where are those two idiots ?" Sasuke sighed. Naruto chuckled and shook his head. They were at home after another mission. Karasu and Itachi had been staying with them for a few days, much to Sasuke's dismay. Now the two were nowhere to be seen.

"They left before we went on the mission. You were brooding again so you might have not noticed, but they actually did say goodbye, you know." Sasuke made a noise between annoyance and relief.

"Finally. I was going to rip my hair if they had stayed any longer." Naruto sighed with an amused smile and shook his head slightly. He stood up from the couch he was sitting on and walked towards Sasuke.

He draped his arms around the raven's neck and kissed him. Sasuke happily kissed back as their tongues fought. Naruto hummed in content as Sasuke snaked his arms on his waist, and tugged the blonde towards the bedroom.

There were no annoying guests, no missions, nothing that could stop them from doing what they wanted. As the two stumbled to the bedroom, Sasuke pushed Naruto on to their shared bed and began to undress his shirt and dropped his pants.

Naruto was doing the same to his blue yakata, and they were both only in their boxers. Sasuke climbed on top of the blonde and continued kissing him. The said blonde felt his body becoming hot and he moaned. Sasuke took advantage of the blonde's now open mouth and coaxed his tongue inside his mouth.

Sasuke felt himself growing harder and harder as he heard Naruto's restrained moan. Naruto gripped Sasuke's hair between his fingers as Sasuke licked his chest and his hardened nipples. The blonde moaned at the sensation and Sasuke groaned when Naruto's knee accidentally touched his groin.

Naruto panted, and took a breathe.

"Ne, Sasuke."

"Hm ?"

"I've missed you." Sasuke smiled at the confession and kissed the flushed blonde.

"I know. And I missed you too." He said huskily. Naruto chuckled. His blonde curly hair was matted to his fore head as he panted.

Sasuke continued his work, tongue sliding on the paler chest that it had been before.

"Even after you changed, you're still beautiful.." Sasuke hummed and Naruto gasped when teeth bit to his neck.

"What-ah do y-you mean by c-changed ? H-how did-ah I c-change ?" He stuttered as skillful hands worked their magic on his body.

"You're bit paler, " He nibbled the blonde's ear lobe as he ripped their boxers off. "You have a narrow face, " He touched the blonde's hard member with his cold pale fingers emitting a loud moan. "You have curly and long hair, " He gripped the member between his fingers. "And there's some white on your blonde hair."

Naruto moaned and nodded breathlessly. "And still you're the most beautiful person I've ever met." Sasuke pumped the member and the blonde moaned shamelessly. He blew air onto the manhood and Naruto whimpered.

"S-stop teasing, bastard." He breathed out and Sasuke smirked.

"Well I thought since we haven't done this like for a month, I'd get to tease you." Naruto tried to growl but it came out as a long moan. Sasuke took the member to his mouth and Naruto scrunched his eyes shut while trying to hold in any moans by using his free hands to keep him quiet.

Sasuke looked up from between the blonde's legs and glared at Naruto's hands. He sucked, while using his other free hand that wasn't gripping on the blonde's hips to grab Naruto's hands away from his mouth.

"S-stoph." Sasuke slurred while licking the member and Naruto whimpered.

"Ah, I'm gonna !" Sasuke swallowed all of the blonde's essence as he wiped his mouth using the back of his hand. Naruto was panting and sweating under him. Sasuke smirked and kissed the blonde.

Naruto jerked his head away from the raven and scrunched his nose at the taste.

"Ugh, that tastes awful." The blonde breathed out and Sasuke snaked his hand behind the blonde, guiding his hands lower and lower. "I think you taste nice." He purred. "But we're not done yet, are we ?" Naruto shook his head after a few seconds.

Sasuke's hands found their way to the blonde's behind, and snaked one finger in. Naruto moaned as the raven began to add more fingers after deeming the blonde ready. He scissored Naruto and the blonde gripped his hands to the raven's shoulders.

"Just ah put it in ah-already !" Naruto demanded and Sasuke happily obligated. Naruto was on his back and Sasuke on top of him, while supporting the blonde's legs on his shoulders.

Naruto moaned as Sasuke's hard member entered him and Sasuke groaned at the tight and warm feeling. Naruto's nose scrunched up in pain, but the friction Sasuke caused was stronger and after a few thrusts, he felt no more pain, only pleasure.

"S-sasuke !" Naruto moaned as Sasuke thrust harder and faster. After a couple more thrusts, Sasuke dug his member deeper, as he came inside the blonde, who gasped and also came.

Sasuke glided out of the blonde as he panted. He dropped himself next to his lover and both of them just laid there, bathing in the after glow, so to speak.

"Mmm..so tired.." Naruto mumbled and Sasuke sighed.

"You need to be cleaned, Naruto." It had no effect, as the tired blonde fell asleep. Sasuke smiled and kissed Naruto's fore head and stood up to find something to clean his sleeping lover without waking him. He looked at his hands, and then Naruto. He smiled.

"I really missed you." He whispered and disappeared to the bathroom.


When Naruto woke up, his back felt sore and his clothes were nowhere to be seen. He froze for a minute until remembering the events of last night and his face flushed beet red.

"Breakfast is ready." He whipped his head towards the door where the sound came from and saw Sasuke standing there, only in his boxers. Naruto made no sound, just nodded while his mouth hanged open. Sasuke chuckled and walked towards the bed to kiss him and went back downstairs to their kitchen.

Naruto followed the delicious scent and found his breakfast. He ate it with small portions, all while Sasuke was staring at him with a small smile on his face.

Yes, this is what they both could call home. Nothing could get between them now. They both looked into each others eyes and smiled.

"Can I have some more ?" Sasuke chuckled at his lover.

Yes, this is their home.


Next time : Epilogue

AN//: Next on the update list is Kiss Me Raven (Sasunaru)

I apologize if the M-rated scenes weren't for your taste.

Peace out,


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