4. Chapter

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Third POV

Team 7 was making their way back to the village, and Sasuke was lost in his thoughts, when he was debating whether he should say goodbye to Naruto or not.

"Sensei...I think I heard something." The pink haired kunoichi whispered to their silver haired sensei, who looked around, trying to sense something or someone, Naruto had sensed a couple of shinobis coming their way.

"Get down !" Kakashi shouted to the three Genins, and Naruto got scraped at his neck by kunai flying by. Everyone took their defensive stances, and ten rogues came out of their hiding.

"Give us the scrolls, Konoha shinobis and we won't hurt you." One of them said

"Not a chance, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, are you okay ?" Kakashi-sensei said and asked his students.

"Yeah, I'm fine sensei." Sakura said.

"Hn.Me too." Sasuke grunted.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine too sensei." Naruto said, but all of the others could see the scrape from the kunai on his neck was deep, and it was oozing with crimson blood.

"Sasuke, help Naruto fighting these creepers." Their sensei told the raven Uchiha. Sasuke grunted in agreement and glanced at his 'dope' with worried look.

The rogues attacked, and Kakashi and Sasuke defended the group, while Sakura was looking at Naruto and hoping he would be just fine. Few of the rogues were knocked out, couple dead or injured but there were few very strong ones, and one of them grabbed the dazed blonde who was trying to squirm his way out of the attackers grasp.

"Naruto !" Sakura shouted gaining the attention of Sasuke and Kakashi. Narutos team were trying to get to him, but the rogues pushed them of a cliff that was near them, and the last thing they saw was Naruto screaming in agony and blacking out in the arms of the rogues.

"You idiot, now we don't have the scrolls !" The other of the three rogues that survived shouted.

"I wasn't thinking, and did you want to die or just say to the creeper who wanted the scrolls that we didn't get them ?!" The other one shouted back. They nodded in agreement and glances down at the blond shinobi who was knocked out.

"What are we going to do the brat ? What the hell did you give him anyway ?" The third one asked.

"I got the poison from some old guy who sold it to me. He's fine, his not gonna die, lets just leave him here, let's go." And with that they all left and behind was left a shivering young blond, who just lost everything.

~With Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi~

The three fell down the cliff, all trying to grab the side of the cliff to prevent themselves from crashing to the ground. They were unable to do that, but lucky for them, under the cliff was a deep lake, and they all dived in the water.

When Kakashi managed to swim up from the depths of the lake, he searched the two of his students, Sakura had swam to the shore, Sasuke unconscious in her strong arms. Kakashi sprinted above the water to the shore.

Sakura was crying, too worried about Naruto, that Kakashi had to check Sasuke.

"He's fine, just unconscious. We have to go back, Naruto might still be there." Her sensei told her and they made their way back to the cliff they were pushed down from, Kakashi carrying Sasuke in his arms.

When they got back where they last saw their blond teammate, he wasn't there anymore. Just the dead rogues, lots of blood and abandoned weapons.

"No.. where is he..." Sakura sniffed. Kakashis only visible eye widened and he cursed under his breath.

They went to the nearest town, asked around if anyone had seen a blonde boy with orange clothes, but all they got were negative answers. Sasuke still hadn't woken up, probably from chakra exhaustion.

"Let's go back to the village to inform lady Hokage and get Sasuke to hospital. We will find Naruto, Sakura. I promise." Kakashi swore to the crying kunoichi. She nodded, and they walked down the road to Konoha.


Naruto's POV

'Where am I...?'

"Oh, you're awake, are you okay ? My dad found you near the cliff and took you here, what's your name, I'm Nezumi." A girl with red hair and grey eyes said to me while smiling.

I layed in a soft bed, and the room I was small, one big window and nothing special. I groaned, and stared at the redhead infront of me.

'Who am I...?'

"Well you don't have to answer right away, my mom made some dinner, you want some, I dare to say, you look hungry." She continued while smiling at me.

"Y-yes ..." Came a crooked answer. The girl, Nezumi just smiled at me, and gave me a hand.

"Well, let's got eat then." Nezumi chirped.

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