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"Embrace the glorious mess that you are."

      -Elizabeth Gilbert


I began to loose consciousness, but I hear voices. It's Kiba, and Sakura I think.

"Holy - ! We need to get him to a hospital !" I think Kiba shouts. I groan in pain because his voice is too loud.

"Shut up Kiba, you're too loud, Sasuke, carry him to the hospital, I go get Tsunade-sama, she knows how to help. Hurry !" Sakura shouts. I think. I hear something else too. That is Sasuke's voice, I recognize it.

"Please be okay. I can't lose you too." 


Third POV

Sasuke carried the now unconscious boy to the hospital while Sakura and Ino went to get Tsunade and well everyone else followed Sasuke. 

Atsuo started convulsing in Sasuke's arms, and Sasuke picked up the pace. The snowy whire haired teen started thrashing and the raven had a hard time not accidentally dropping him. 

"Atsuo, stay still, please." Sasuke tried but it wasn't working. They were in the hospital now, and a nurse came and showed them a room with a white bed to set him. Sasuke layed Atsuo carefully even when the other was still trashing around. 

The nurses started to question the teens about Atsuo's condition, but they couldn't say anything useful. Tsunade came in and hurried over to the still trashing teen who was groaning in pain and they could all hear snapping noises. Like bones breaking and Atsuo screamed. 

Tsunade tried to think but she was terrified. She ordered some nurses to bind him, so he wouldn't hurt himself accidentally. 

When Atsuo was bounded to the hospital bed, Tsunade ordered everyone else except Shizune out. Kakashi -who came after seeing group of gennins running of to hospital- pushed the others out of the room, but with Sasuke being so stubborn and worried, it was hard.

"Sasuke, we need to let the Hokage do her work. He will be alright." He ushered and soon the room was only occupied by two women and a teen who was screaming in pain.

"What is happening to him ? It's like his bones are breaking and changing." Shizune said to Tsunade, who was getting a syringe from a suit case.

"I think he is changing back to his original appearance. I don't know about the memories but soon he will be blond, tanned short teen with blue eyes and his whisker marks. You see his hair, it's not white anymore. It's changing to light yellow, and he isn't so pale anymore, and I think his bones are shrinking, Atsuo is taller than Naruto." Tsunade stated while finding a good place to put the syringe on Atsuo's arm. It was quite a handful, because even in binds, the teen was moving his arms.

"Stay still, Atsuo. We're here to help, everything will be okay, just stay still." She ordered. Shizune glanced at the syringe and looked at the blonde hokage.

"What is in that syringe, Lady Tsunade ?" She inquired while trying to sooth the teen who was crying in pain. She played with his hair, that was now almost all golden yellow. Tsunade glanced at her apprentice and stabbed the needle into Atsuo. 

"It's suppose to help Naruto here to ease the pain and quicken the changing. I'm still not sure about the memories, though. I started with the appearance problem." She said and noticed Atsuo/Naruto calmed down and stopped screaming and squirming.

"Lady Tsunade." Shizune whispered, as in not to wake up the small teen on the bed who was now seeming to sleep.

"What ?" 

"You called him Naruto." Tsunade stared at Shizune.

"I know, but when he wakes up, we need to tell him that he's Naruto and that he's from here. So is there any sense to call him Atsuo anymore." Tsunade stated, and Shizune knew it wasn't a question.

"We still need to tell the others to, his friends.. and boyfriend. I don't think Sasuke will take this nicely but he'll be happy to have his boyfriend back." Shizune said with a small smile.

"Even if it's likely that he still doesn't remember anything." Tsunade continued and they looked at Atsuo, now Naruto. His whisker marks were now visible again, hair was golden yellow, although it had a bit of snowy white on the side of his head, his skin now tanned. He still looked beautiful. 

"You notice that, Shizune ?" Tsunade asks and points at the few locks of hair that aren't blond but white. Shizune nods.

"I think it's kinda like a souvenir from the Atsuo appearance. It suits him though. It looks like he has a white flower on top of his ear." Shizune laughs and strokes the hair.

"I guess now all we need to do is tell the others about the Atsuo-Naruto thing and get the brat's memory back." Tsunade grunts but smiled down to her surrogate brother she claimed. Shizune smiles and they call everyone in, who had been patiently waiting outside the room.

The first to run in is none other than Sasuke, followed by Naruto's friends, all the senseis including a worried mother hen called Iruka.

Sasuke freezes when he sees the Atsuo now transformed his boyfriend. 

"What is this ?" He asks wide eyed. Tsunade and Shizune glance at the others, and team 8.

"I think there's something we need to tell you." She says.


AN//: Hello again, I'll update Kiss Me Raven next, so check that up in a few days. I hope you liked my chapter. ^^ Oh, and happy new year  ♥ 

Peace out, 


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