11. Chapter

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"Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed."

-Irene Peter


"So Sasuke bit him ?" Iruka asked, but still not quite getting it.

"Yes, let's just say that Naruto-kun better watch who he hangs out when we have him back, to avoid any jealous possessive boyfriends." Kurenai's voice was laced with amusement, her embarrassment now dealt with.

"Ooh..." Was all Iruka managed to croak out.

"That damn gaki biting my gaki..." I muttered darkly and all the occupants of the room sweatdropped.


Third POV

"You really cook well, Atsuo." Choji munched and Atsuo smiled at him. The snowy haired teen was wearing one of the shirts that Sasuke had provided him. It was blood red, and showed his defined chest and the delicious pale skin on his neck.

"Thank you Choji, you can really eat well." He praised and Choji chuckled. The Konoha 12 was eating at the Uchiha districts so called 'guest house', because Atsuo wanted to cook for everyone. Their senseis were also there, so were the Godaime Hokage and Shizune, who had TonTon, the cute little pig.

The Uchiha was eating too, happily munching his tomato-soup, which he loved, but wouldn't admit.

The week had been crazy for all of them. Kiba had a problem not to see Atsuo as Naruto, Hinata was wishing she could stalk the old Naruto again, and Shino was...well Shino. Others were so happy to meet the interesting teen with a cooking ability, and Tsunade was working really hard on finding the cause and cure to Atsuo/Naruto's situation. Sasuke was missing his blond boyfriend, but the hurt in his heart was slowly fading on to a bearable one when he was living with the shinobi rookie, who surprisingly was really strong, and reminded him of his blond.

After they all had eaten, Choji still munching on the snacks Atsuo had magically created for him, they bid their farewell. Sasuke just grunted or nodded while Atsuo was politely waving his delicate hand. The raven glanced at the white haired boy next to him, smiling sadly.. He missed Naruto. He was feeling guilty of not feeling so much ache in his heart, and feeling desire on the new villager next to him.

"Shall we go, Sasuke ?" He asked the day dreaming boy. Sasuke nodded at him, and they also left from the 'guest house'.

"How come you have a 'guest house' ?" Atsuo asked while eyeing the sunset.

"Because the Uchiha's don't want their guests in their houses, so they meet them in a 'guest house'. " He answered.

"But why I live in the same house with you ?" He probed again.

"Well do you want to live in there alone, usuratonkachi ? And who is going to watch over you then ? You'll probably burn the house down if I'm not there." He said, but frozed when he realized what he had just called Atsuo. The nickname he gave to his lover, Naruto. Atsuo instead was scowling.

"Oi, don't call me that, bastard." He muttered, and continued even when seeing the shocked face of the boy next to him. "And I wouldn't burn any house down." Atsuo finally registered the reaction of the Uchiha.

"What ?" He asked. Sasuke shook his head.

"Y-you called me bastard." He rasped out. Atsuo rolled his silver eyes that were shining in the last of the sun's rays before it would set.

"Yeah, so ? You called me usuratonkachi." He snapped.

"But, he called me bastard. Always." Sasuke whispered and Atsuo's eyes softened.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, it just ..." Atsuo patted Sasuke's shoulder and smiled at him. The snowy white haired boy was about five inches smaller than the Uchiha, so Sasuke looked down at Atsuo.

Sasuke showed a little smile to the other boy and they turned to the sunset, watching as the orange hue on the sky began to disappear, as the night aproached.

"Let's go, dobe." Sasuke said and Atsuo smiled at him. They began to walk to the house they shared, and Sasuke caught himself again thinking about what he had just said. He shook his head and followed the other.


Atsuo's POV

I've been getting these massive headaches more than I usually have. No one has noticed it yet, and I haven't told anybody, not wanting to be a burden.

Me and Sasuke have been getting along really well. He has sometimes these staring things, whenever I say something to him, he zones out. I mean, I called him bastard, I wanted ramen, and I asked for a orange shirt in the store. What's up with that ?

He did say the nickname I gave him is the same that his boyfriend gave him, so I have been trying to not call him that. Everyone has been very nice, even Sakura. I've been very happy, but still none of my memories have come back. I've had these glitches, but they're too blurry so I can't tell if these are my memories I've been seeing or something else.

Now I am with Sasuke and the others hanging out. Kiba is again ranting something, and I've been discreetly rubbing my temples, trying to ease the ache on my head, but it's just been going worse.

"Atsuo, you alright ?" Someone asks but I can't tell who, I nod my head and close my eyes. I smell a delicious musky scent next to me. It smells like cinnamon and apples... It's Sasuke's.

"Dobe, is your head hurting ?" I hear him say. It triggers something and I scream in pain. I hear gasps all around me when I start falling to the ground. I excpect to hit my head on the ground or something, but it never came. I was scooped on someones strong arms and lifted from the ground.

I began to loose consciousness, but I hear voices. It's Kiba, and Sakura I think.

"Holy - ! We need to get him to a hospital !" I think Kiba shouts. I groan in pain because his voice is too loud.

"Shut up Kiba, you're too loud, Sasuke, carry him to the hospital, I go get Tsunade-sama, she knows how to help. Hurry !" Sakura shouts. I think. I hear something else too. That is Sasuke's voice, I recognize it.

"Please be okay. I can't lose you too."


AN//: Usuratonkachi = moron

Dobe = dead last in spoken language

Thank you for voting and commenting, it's really nice ya know ^^ And Merry Christmas for everyone :)

Peace out,


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