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"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

   -Mahatma Gandhi


"Naruto," I began, nervously and felt heat on my ears."Kurenai has this crazy idea, she thinks that you could get your memories back, if I did something..."  Naruto looked at me, with a hopeful face. 

"What is it ?" He asked. "You want to remember ?" A nod. "Everything ?" A nod. "Everyone ?" a nod. "Us ?" He stills for a moment and I feel like I could die. "Yes. I want to know everything about you. About us." He finally says and feel something warm in my heart. I nod at him and he nodds at me. "Do it." He says.

And I kiss him.


Third POV

The dark haired kissed the golden haired, as the rays of the sunset almost vanished. No sound, it was complete silence. No birds singing, no waves making sounds, no people near them, no wind humming in their ears. It was peaceful, but the atmosphere around the two was anxious. Sasuke pulled away from Naruto and opened his eyes, wishing he'd see the beautiful blue eyes and that happy smile of Naruto.

Neither spoke. Naruto slowly opened his eyes, but wasn't looking at Sasuke, but at his hands, that were laying on his lap. Sasuke's heart was thumping so loud he was afraid he'd have a heart attack. His forehead was slightly glistening with nervous cold sweat, as he awaited.

Naruto just stared at his hands, and Sasuke didn't see his face under the blond locks that hid his face. He wasn't sure what to make of the blond's display of actions, until he saw glistening tear drops dripping to Naruto's hands, and Sasuke's gut clenched. What did these tears meant ?

"What ? Do I have something on my face ?"

"No dobe, your just so whiny."

"Well you were staring at me teme..."

"You're mine, and only mine you know that ? I love you and always will, no matter what happens."

"I know, I'm always gonna be yours and I'll always love you Sasuke."

"Aw, don't be so jealous Naru-chan."

"Shuddup Sasuke."

"Naruto !"

"I love you."

Sasuke froze when the blond suddenly leaped towards him, and hugged the raven. 

"Teme.." Sasuke looked down at the crying Naruto and stroked the golden hair.

"Aishiteru, Sasuke." The blond softly whispered and hugged the raven tighter, his hands on Sasuke's neck, as Sasuke brought his hands to Naruto's waist and hugged back as tight.

"Tadaima."  Naruto whispered again, as his crying subsided.

"Okaeri." Sasuke whispered back as he felt something stinging in his eyes. He was crying too.


"Have you heard from the two ?" Tsunade asked the Jounin sensei's, to which none of them had an answer.

"I think, they're at the docks ?" Kurenai guessed.

"Do you think it worked ?" Kakashi asked Tsunade. The Hokage sighed and leaned on her chair as she opened a sake bottle.

"I have faith." And they all smiled. 


"Lady Tsunade." Shizune asked the blonde, who was opening her second sake. 

"Hmmm ?" 

"I was just wondering, you never told me what happened to the seal when Naruto was Atsuo." She said as she sat down on the chair next to Tsunade.

"Oh that. I didn't tell you ?" Shizune shook her head. "Well, you didn't see any whisker marks on his cheeks ?" Another shook of her head. "That's why I was suspicious of the Kyuubi being lost, but I had Yamamoto check the seal with Kakashi the next day Atsuo came, it was difficult though, him being in the Uchiha district, but they managed..." Tsunade sighed and took a gulp of sake.

"And was there a seal ?" 

"Nope." Shizune sighed to the slightly blushing blonde who was gulping down sake like water.

"How come ?" She pressed. She was really curious, and wondered why Tsunade hadn't told her this sooner.

"Not sure, the poison he was injected with contained a large amount of different kind of sealing potion, you could say, and that some how suppressed the Kyuubi, but now it's back, as are the whiskers along with the seal of course." She slurred slowly, but Shizune understood. She nodded and thanked her for the information.

"Lady Tsunade." 

"Hmmmm ?" 

"You shouldn't drink so much." 


AN//:    aishiteru = I love you     

     tadaima = I'm home

     okaeri = Welcome home

Thanks for the support. Next on the update list is Such Is Life (SasuNaru) and Kiss Me Raven (SasuNaru) 

Peace out,



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