Repost of 6.Chapter

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Third POV

It has been two weeks since Naruto woke up no remembering anything, not his name, not what he looked like, were he came or what he did in his past.

Because of his lack of remembering, Nezumi's mother, Momoi gave him a name, Atsuo, which meant friendly man. It suited the small boy really well, he was kind, calm and helpful. Although Nezumi would sometimes call him Gin, which meant silver, because of his eyes. They were silver colour, while his hair was past his shoulders, on a small ponytail, and it was snowy white.

He had been staying with Nezumi and her mother, Momoi, and her father, Komui, who owned a small restaurant serving mostly ramen, which Atsuo loved. He worked there in order to pay for the expenses that was used on him while he lives under their roof, even though the kind family didn't want him to, but as said, helpful and kind.

Atsuo would get horrible head aches sometimes, but would brush it off as nothing.

Right now, there was a ding on the door, and the restaurants door opened, revealing four shinobis. One mid-aged beautiful red eyed woman with raven hair, three students around his age, one boy with a jacket covering his chin and mouth, shades, and dark brown hair. One boy with more tanned skin than the other one, spiky brown hair, light shaded jacket with fur on top, red triangules on his cheeks and a small white puppy on top of his head. And the last one, a shy looking girl with pale eyes and dark short hair, fidgeting her fingers.

While the new-comers sat down, Atsuo walked over to them, with a smile.

"Hello, and welcome to our little restaurant. My name is Atsuo, and how can I help you today ?" He asked while eyeing the group that looked at him. They all thought that the white haired boy looked rather familiar, but couldn't figure out why.

"Hello, Atsuo-san, my name is Kurenai, here are my students Hinata,Kiba with her puppy Akamaru and Shino. Can we get four pork ramens with water, please." The oldest woman now named Kurenai said politely while looking at the pale faced waiter.

"Of course, Kurenai-san, just wait a minute." He said while smiling at them, and walking back to the kitchen with the orders.

Kurenai looked at his students.

"You felt it too, right ?" She asked. Shino nodded, his bugs buzzing, but not really recognising the younger boy. Hinata nodded as well.

"Yeah, he reminded me of someone I know, I mean, I don't know a lot of people outside the village, but he seemed so familiar." Kiba ranted and Akamaru lowly barked in agreement.

"Maybe we should ask him if knows someone from Konoha, or if he's seen Naruto. That's why we came here anyway ..."Kiba continued and trailed off. They really worried about the blonde and Sasuke's attitude was getting out of hand. The Uchiha snapped at everything and anything that moved.

They all nodded, and in a ten minutes, their waiter came back with their bowls, and another waiter holding the glasses and the water.

"There you go, have a nice meal." Atsuo said while smiling. They thanked him, and were about to ask, but the other waiter interrupted them while running inside. She was panting, looked like she was on a break, and wondered outside.

"Nezumi-san, what on earth happened ?" Atsuo asked the redhead who was strugling to breath.

"Th-there's.. there's that cr-creep that attacked you last week Gin, h-he came back. He's pissed, because y-you kicked his ass." Nezumi panted out, and the Konoha shinobis turned their gaze at Atsuo, who was called as Gin by the girl, and were shocked to see how calm he was about the whole situation.

"Okay, Nezumi-san, I'll go and try to reason with him, I wouldn't have 'kicked his ass' if he didn't try to steal my bag." He air-quoted, and turned to the shinobis.

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