9. Chapter

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"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. Not even our troubles."

-Charles Chaplin


"Well Uchiha, He's the replacement for Naruto just for a while, he's amnesiac, and Kurenai promised that I'd help him. And there's two other teams right now trying to look for him." 'Although I think I should call them back seeing that Naruto may be on his way home right now.'

"But Hokage-sama-" "No buts Sasuke, he's name is Atsuo, and I sincerely recommend for you to be nice to him. I had been informed he has a temper." I mentally smirked to myself thinking about how he would act and look now. 'I will help him.'

"Tch. Whatever, I'll act nice for the time being. But when I have my Naruto back he's out of the team." Sasuke scoffs. 'You have no idea how right you are.


Sasuke's POV

'I'm still not okay with this, I should be looking for Naruto rather than waiting for this Atsuo guy.'

"Maa maa Sasuke, calm down, our new teammate may help us in finding your lover." Kakashi winks and I glare at him. Sakura stifles a laugh and I glare at her too. I wasn't in a good mood right now.

It's the 5th day, and team 8 should be arriving soon.

Then we heard the door being knocked. Tsunade said a 'come in', and there was team 8 on the door.

The mut, the bug, the shy, the sensei and a white haired boy.'Speak of the devil. Or in this case devils.'

"Hello hokage-sama, we arrived, as you can see. Introduce yourself Atsuo." Kurenai greeted and the white haired boy, who was about our age, came forward. He had pretty silver eyes, making my chest hurt, and wild snowy locks falling out from his ponytail. He had tight black pants that showed his narrow hips, although they were curvy, and a white loose t-shirt that had a open neck.

He had a pale face, although not too pale, and he even had two small earrings on his left ear. One was dark blue and another was bright orange. My stomach churned of the way he waltzed towards Tsunade. His bright white hair bouncing on the ponytail and his hands relaxed by the sides.

Then, he spoke very calmly.

"Good to meet you Hokage-sama, my name is Atsuo. I was told that you'd be able to help me, in exchange for being a genin in one of your teams that was missing a member ?" He asked. His voice was so soft and calm, it made me a little dizzy. 'Wait, no. No one can do that except my Naruto. Who the hell does this guy think he is, making me feel like this. It makes me feel as if I was cheating on my boyfriend.' I mentally groaned when I noticed Sakura speaking up.

"Yeah, but your not replacing Naruto. You'll never be like him !" 'Oh man, what's her problem ? And here I was beginning to endure her.'

Atsuo turned his gaze at the pinkette, who was beginning to regret ever saying anything. The silver eyed boy didn't look angry, nor surprised by the sudden our burst from the girl.

"I understand that, and I will not be trying to, you have nothing to worry about, I believe we'll find your missing teammate and bring him home, and I'll be out of your lives." "Oh, yeah, thanks, I'm Sakura, by the way." Atsuo nodded at the now relaxed Sakura and turned to Tsunade, who was staring at the boy with so much intensity, I thought his hair would go up in flames.

"Anyway, nice to meet you too Atsuo. And yes, I'll be trying to help, although I don't yet know how, but if there's a way, I'll find it. And yes again, you'll be in team 7 for awhile, replacing temporarily Uzumaki Naruto,who is currently MIA, is that okay ?" Atsuo nodded, and Tsunade continued.

"Then I'll be the one testing your skills on ninjutsu, taijutsu, and all those, so we know what to teach you, and what you already know. Now, we need to find you a place to stay while you're in the village. We can't have you sleeping in the streets, now can we ?" Atsuo shook his head, and everyone began to think were this new comer could sleep. I wasn't planning on having him live with me.

"I don't think there's any other place than Narutos currently empty house and the Uchiha mansion. I groaned. 'Oh great, if he lives with me, how can I ever face my Naruto knowing I was mind cheating him with this stranger.'

"Well I don't think it's appropriate for me to live in a house whose owner isn't here." Atsuo piped in, and everyone excluding Atsuo turned their gaze towards me.

"What ? You want me to live with him ? I don't even know him ?" The staring continued, but one look at Atsuos eyes and I sighed. "Okay, then snowy can live with me, it's probably big enough for the both of us." Atsuo snorted at the 'snowy', and Tsunade smirked at us. 'Why is she smirking ? That lady seriously is creepy.'

"Okay then, it's settled. Atsuo lives with Sasuke for now." Tsunade informed and I saw Atsuo frowning.

"Excuse for my rudeness, but if this is Sasuke-san and that's Sakura-san then who are these two ?" He nudged his head towards Kakashi and Iruka. I didn't notice Iruka being here. Must have sneaked his way in. 'Always so nosy and curious.'

'Reminds me of someone.'

"Oh,sorry. These are your other teammates, Sasuke being one, another is Sakura here which you know already, and these two are your sensei Hatake Kakashi, and a academy teacher, Umino Iruka. I see Iruka sneaked his way in once more." Iruka flushed and nodded.

"Oh, well nice to meet you Kakashi-san, Iruka-san." The senseis nodded their heads, but told him to not be so formal.


"So which room do I stay in ?" He asked me while looking around the house. He looked amazed by the big house. I remembered the first time I took Naruto here. He had the same reaction, although it didn't last long, because I was.. carrying him to my bedroom. 'Those were the days...'

"You'll be sleeping in a guest room towards mine, so if you have any problems just let me know." He smiled at me, bowed his head, thanked me, and left to his new room. I think tomorrow we should be looking some new clothes for him, seeing as he didn't have anything with him.

It was late now, so I just went to sleep, thinking about my Naruto, and not surprisingly, Atsuo.

'Why ? Why am I thinking of him ? I only love Naruto. He's not Naruto.'


AN//: Thank you for your support, and please continue it. When I first started writing stories in here, I never thought anyone would really read them, so thank you. ^^

Peace out,


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