3. Chapter

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Third POV

When the team was up and going, Naruto limping of course, they continued their journey to the village hidden in tears.

Sakura was ranting about something to Kakashi-sensei, and Naruto was just trying to concentrate on walking straight while his boyfriend was in a whole other world. He was thinking about his Naruto, and how will he be able to leave him.

"Just a few hours, and we'll be on our destination." Kakashi-sensei said after they had practically jumped about twenty miles, much to Narutos dismay. His hips were killing him. He glared daggers to his handsome boyfriend, who either ignored them or smirked to him.

~A few hours later in the village hidden in tears~

Sasuke's POV

After we got the scrolls and handed ours to the village leader, we decided to enjoy our own time relaxing a few hours before heading back.

"Naruto, what do you want to do ?" I asked my Naruto, who was just staring at the villagers and the shops around us. He glanced at me, smiled and asked if we could go to see the view on top of the cliff near the village. I was fine with it, if it meant some alone time with my blondie, and told Kakashi-sensei that we are going to go to the cliff. He just did his weird eye closed smile and nodded.

But when I turned to leave, he grabbed my arm, and whispered to my ear so that Naruto or Sakura wouldn't hear him, "I hope you are just watching the view Sasuke, because it seemed after your obvious treatment to him last night, he had some trouble even moving, so just watching, okay ?"

I inwardly froze, and just nodded. 'Crap, he noticed. Oh well, if it's so obvious, next time I'm not wasting my time on some silencing jutsus.' I thought to myself, but then froze again. 'Oh, right, there won't be a next time for a looong time...'

"...me ? Oi, Sasuke are you listening to me ?" I heard my beautiful sunshine asking. I looked at him.

"Sorry, what ?"

"Ugh, you never listen to me, I asked what did Kakashi-sensei say to you to cause to go all moody and dazy ?" He asked me with a pout. 'Cute.'

"Don't complain so much dobe, he just said to be careful." I kinda lied to him, because he would be so embarrassed if he knew that Kakashi-sensei found out what we did in his tent.

He pouted at the nickname, and dragged me to the cliff. While we were walking to there, I saw many of the villagers looking at us, girls with blushes, and guys, with some greedy and jealous look.

'Hah ! His all mine and there's nothing you can do about that bitches !' I mentally declared to the guys looking at my Naruto. I just ignored all the girls who were looking at me.

I saw Naruto getting jealous of the blushes and stares that the girls were giving to me, and he pouted.

"Aw, don't be so jealous Naru-chan." I smirked at him, and then he glared at me while blushing at the suffix I added to his name. 'Heh heh, your so cute.'"Shuddup Sasuke." He muttered to me.

Naruto's POV

When we arrived to the cliff, Sasuke sat down, and pulled me to his lap. Of course I blushed madly at this. He started to nibble my ear, and turned me in his lap, so that I was facing him. We both knew that we couldn't do anything more than making out right now, if we were at home, he would just pound me to the mattress even if I did have a sore back, but right now, he wouldn't do it, and I'm not stupid, I saw he was lying to me about what sensei said to him. I think it was about my current 'condition', I just didn't push it further. Of course I nearly died in embarrassment when I realized what he had said to Sasuke.

After a while of making out, we just watched the clouds on the sky and the villagers who looked so tiny from looking down from up here. It was a beautiful sunny day, not too hot and not too windy. Just perfect.

"Sunshine, what are you thinking ?" My handsome devil asked me. I just looked up to him from where I was laying, my head in his lap while he was stroking my blond hair.

"Just that the day is perfect, I wish we could always stay like this." I said to him while closing my eyes. I opened them again when I felt Sasuke stop my hair stroking. He looked down at me, with his always so beautiful black eyes, full of sadness.

"Sasuke, what's the matter ?" I asked him, he didn't asnwer to me, just continued to stroke my hair, relaxing me more, and bent down to kiss my forehead.

"Nothing Naruto, I wish the same."

After that, I had fell asleep my head in his lap, when I woke up to find Sakura and Kakashi-sensei arriving to where we were. Our sensei smiled at us, and nodded to Sasuke. 'Hah ! I knew it, he knew !'

"Lets go, ne ?" Sakura asked while smiling. We nodded and stood up. 'Nothing bad could happen. Nothing will bring us down. Nothing will separate us.' I thought to myself while smiling to Sasuke, who smirked back at me. 'We will always be together. No matter what.'

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