17. Chapter

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"A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything."

-Irish proverb


"Tadaima." Naruto whispered again, as his crying subsided.

"Okaeri." Sasuke whispered back as he felt something stinging in his eyes. He was crying too.


Sasuke's POV

'I'm totally not crying, though.'

We sat there, at the docks, Naruto in my arms, still slightly staining my black shirt with teardrops, but I wasn't any better. I sighed when I felt no movement from the blond. I moved his head with my hands by the chin to see if he was okay.

'He fell asleep.'

I moved so I could stand up and pick him up. He felt so light, like he hadn't eaten properly. 'Another thing that's about to change.'

"Sasuke." I heard a voice and glanced up to see everyone looking at me. There was the Konoha rookies, Team 9, The Hokage, Jounins, and a certain Chunin. I blushed when I realized they've probably seen my tear stained face.

I saw the girls cooing, and few of the boys smirking. But Kiba looked a little sad, don't know why, but don't care.

"Everything went alright, I assume ?" Tsunade asked me and I nodded. "Y-yes." She smiled and gave me a bottle that had some light blue liquid inside. I quirked an eyebrow.

"It's for the pain." She gestured the sleeping boy in my arms. "Make sure he drinks a little few times a day, not too much, it's strong." I nodded and adgusted the blond in my arms so I could grab the bottle.

"Your responsibility." Was all they said when I asked if someone could help me carry Naruto's jacket. I glared at them but softened when I heard a soft snore from my chest, where Naruto's head was.

"Be safe, and remember the medicine. Also make sure he eats enough, he looks so thin, and see that he washes his hands before dinner, and no ramen for a few days, it's unhealthy. Wash his clothes, and brush your teeth, never leave him alone-" "It's enough, Iruka-sensei, I will take care of him, I promise." I assured the distressed Chunin, who smiled and kissed the blond's forehead, and I bid them goodbye.


Naruto's POV

When I woke up, I found myself at the Uchiha manor, in my bed, with Sasuke snoring next to me. I smiled at him, and kissed his forehead. When he didn't even stir, I stood up and walked downstairs. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat down on a kitchen stool. I was so happy. Finally I got back my memories.

I smiled when I looked at the sun rising. 'Seems like Sasuke slept the whole night in that uncomfortable looking chair.' I grimaced but promised myself I'd cook something nice for him for breakfast. It was 7am. so he wouldn't wake up in a few hours.

I looked outside the window. 'I have my Sasuke back.' I giddily smiled, feeling like my cheek muscles would stretch. 'Maybe I should send a letter to Nezumi-san and the others... I'd tell them that I remembered who I am now, and introduce myself. Though, maybe I shouldn't mention my fan club to Sasuke..hmmm..'

I stretched my arms and yawned. I took a tomato and ate it. I wasn't so hungry now.. I felt my head starting to hurt and I grabbed it with my both hands. A gasp escaped my mouth but soon the pain vanished. 'Must be the side effects.'

I stood up and left the bottle at the table to find out where there was some noise coming from. It was inside the mansion for sure, and it wasn't Sasuke, so who was it ? I creaked the door open, and gasped.


Sasuke's POV

I woke up with a yawn escaping my mouth. My whole body ached and my muscles were sore. I winced when stretching. I noticed with an alarm that Naruto's bed was empty, and the sheets were cold.

'So he woke up really early.' With another stifled yawn, I trudged downstairs, and was greeted with a scene of a beautiful blond cooking. Naruto was humming a song, sounding like a lullaby. His blonde hair touched his shoulders slightly, making the locks a little curly at the end. He had a light blue yakata that had white lilies at the sleeves and at the bottom of the yakata. The blond was making pancakes, it seemed.

I smelled the wonderful aroma, and walked towards Naruto, who had already sensed me, but ignored it. I snaked my arms on his waist, linking them in front of his stomach, and dropped my head on his shoulder, lazily watching him cook. I smiled when he leaned towards me, and tilted his head so it was in touch with mine.

"Morning..." I greeted finally. Naruto chuckled. "Morning. Or should I say afternoon. It's 12 pm. Sasuke." He complained and I shrugged. "I would've slept longer if I'd slept beside you."

"Well we only have two small beds, yours and mine. And did you stay up for too long ?" I nodded. "We do need a big bed for us and move your things to a joined room, you still have your belongings at your apartment." Naruto shook his head and flipped a pancake.

"We'll do that." He said as he finished cooking. I eased the hold on his waist and raised my head. He turned around and kissed me on the lips with a small peck. He blushed slightly and began to set the table.

"When did you wake up ?" He crunched his nose in thought and I thought he looked cute. "Maybe around 7 am. ? Why ?" I raised an amused eyebrow.

"You don't usually wake that early." I stated and he glanced at me. "Well, I got used to it in these past few weeks." I nodded and began to think. 'What else has influenced on his behavior. I mean he sure is allot calmer..he hasn't cutten his hair...he wears an yakata...'

"Stop thinking so hard and eat." Naruto said and shook my head out of the thoughts.

"So what have you been doing ? I mean you woke up so early and it's midday." Naruto glanced at the door on one of the guest rooms and I raised an eyebrow. "Not much. Just relaxing."

"Oh ? Just that." He nodded and I let it go. We began to eat and I moaned in delight. There was some dark chocolate chips on my pancakes, making them less sweet. Naruto giggled at me as he ate his blueberry pancakes with some strawberries.

As we ate, I heard a noise from one the guest rooms down the halls. The same one that Naruto had glanced. I stopped eating as I heard it again.

"What was that ?" I asked Naruto who was stiffly drinking some tea. He shrugged nonchalantly as if to avoid the question. "Naruto." He looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and gestured towards the room. He just shrugged. I felt insanely curious.


I heard Naruto curse under his breath and I wanted some answers, so I stood up and walked towards the room. Naruto tried to stop me.

"T-there's really nothing, l-let's just eat." I ignored him and began to open the door but Naruto appeared in front of me and stopped me from opening it.

"Out of the way, Naruto." He didn't budge. "Sasuke, you have to be calm, and under no circumstances are you allowed to kill anything." I nodded but he needed words. "Okay, okay, I won't kill anything. Now let me open this door." He silently and nervously let me open the door and what I found there. Well, let's just say I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but Naruto has allot of explaining to do.


AN//: Thanks for the support^^ I still like to hear some name suggestions for my other SasuNaru story, Tough Love, so check that out, if you could.

Next on the update list is Such Is Life (SasuNaru)

Peace out,


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