Chapter 11

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August 3rd, 2005
Maria/Manchiro POV
Hina had messaged me a few days ago, apologizing as she thought that Takemichi was cheating on her for being with me.

At least they made up. Baji and I, our relationship isn't affected.

"You're sure there's gonna be a attack on Draken?" Baji asked me for the 4th time as I sign.

His bell charm on his bracelet rang in the silent room. He and Kazutora had matching charms. Kazutora wears it as a earring while Baji wears it as a bracelet. I have two of them but I don't bring them out.

Kuro, our pet cat, laid in my lap as I played with it. It's a black cat with yellow eyes. We found it some time ago and it followed us back to my house. But I couldn't keep it so Baji took care of it.

He was tying my white sash onto my uniform as he proceeds to tie my hair into twin braids.

Now I look like Ran. What the heck man.

"Yes there's going to be one. Peyan is leading it." I whispered as Baji's eyes widened. "Peyan..." he murmured as I wore my white heel boots.

I gave Kuro one last pat on the head. He was like a son to me and Baji as he purred softly and his fluffy tail waved a bit.

"Does this have to do with the thing you can't tell me?" He asked as we walked out of his house as Kuro meows loudly from behind the door at us leaving. I hear him scratching on the door fervently.

I don't feel like leaving him alone in the small apartment.

I shook my head as I looked up at the sky as the rain soaked my face and my body.

"Yeah and Mitsuya was the one who called me about it." I murmured as my Bokken was equipped.

"Come on let's go save the President and Vice President!" I yelled in the rain to the Toman members and division leaders gathered around.

"Yeah!!!" They all yelled. I sat on Baji's bike as we drove on the rainy road.

I stare at the 5th division's leader, Mucho.

What a rat he is ,even after what Mikey gave him.


Whatever, Baji takes a sharp swerve as I held onto his stomach tightly as Mikey and Draken was facing Moebius on their own.

I got off Baji's bike as I stood before all of them. The rain is so extra today....

"Infighting's not really my thing." 5th Division Captain, Yasuhiro Mutou aka Mucho said.

"But if we're going up against Moebius, then I can go all-out!!" 4th division Captain, Nahoya Kawata, aka Smiley, exclaimed.

"Which means tonight's the big showdown." Keisuke Baji, 1st division Captain said as he held his hairband between his teeth.

The other Vice captains are mixed behind with the other members.

"Alright, who wants to die first?!" Smiley exclaimed brightly.

"We brought all of Toman with us, jackass!" Baji said as he tied his hair up.

"Peh! You're going down first!" Mucho yelled.

I see Peyan get nervous as Hanma held his head in his hand while smiling.

I stood beside Mikey as the rest of Toman stood behind us.

Draken's head was bloody, hmm, he must have been caught off guard to get such a heavy hit.

He was getting up as he smiled a bit crazily, well, for Emma's sake and heart, I will make sure he doesn't get hurt or stabbed. I smiled as Mikey noticed it.

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