Summary Of Sequel To Mikey's Twin

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Sequel to Mikey's twin
Chapter 1:
Mikey slaps you for doing shit on your own as you awoke on the hospital bed, Baji and Draken both scold Mikey for hurting you as you cried relived in Emma's arms. The Haitani brothers are thankful you survived. Fast forward 4 years, you're 22.

Mikey and Izana make you Bonten's number 2 after you finished a bank heist with the Haitanis and Sanzu. They own Bonten and do crimes except they don't harm women.

Chapter 2:
Baji works with Bonten while operating his father's business, he killed Fuyuka's father leaving her thankful as she chooses to work under Baji. Komori Ume, the one who ruins your future appears, her father has disagreed the wedding between Baji and her but she still comes and harass him.

This time Fuyuka gets her out of the office seeing Baji is extremely annoyed but can't kill her since they need Ume's father for their business. Kazutora snickers at the dumped woman who knows he likes you.

She tries convincing him to work with her so they can get their own respective loved ones. Kazutora rejects the deal. Fuyuka is listening to this.

Meanwhile, you're busy bullying Izana with Mikey.

Chapter 3:
You're dressed in a dark attire as numerous dark cars were behind you, all filled with Bonten men loaded with guns. Kakuchou helps you into a car as you have to bust Sanzu out of prison. He overdid drugs and fainted in enemy territory(police). When the car stops at a red light, you see Emma and Draken walking together as if on a date and decided to spend time with Baji soon.

Kakuchou helps you out of the car as it becomes 7 in the evening. The police station was too quiet till you see a body of a policeman on the ground. There's a bloody trail from the door behind him. Sanzu appears and stabs a policeman who's crawling away in the head with a katana. One of the policewomen working undercover in the police station broke him out, trying to be secretive but someone found out Sanzu had escaped and started shooting.

The mole working for Bonten sacrificed herself to save Sanzu, Sanzu kills everyone in rage.

Chapter 4:
Baji arrives home late, he rubs his face in tiredness till you slip up behind him and hug him from behind.

You kissed his cheek which turns into a soft make out session, idiot forgets to use a condom.

Fast forward a month, you were trying to cheer Sanzu up, because it was his lover that was the mole, it was supposed to be her last month working under the policemen since Sanzu urged her to quit and be safe.

Patting his pink hair, the other executives are worried, you didn't want to drink with Sanzu so he gets drunk himself. You start to vomit, Kokonoi sees this and thought Sanzu made you drink but you dismissed him saying it might be a small illness.

Chapter 5:
You're pregnant, 3 months old as Baji rubs his hair in frustration, he pulls you into his lap and buries his face into your neck. Of course he's happy but that means enemies of Bonten and his will come after you and the kid, the two of you made out slowly.

Kazutora who gets ahold of this news shoots his favorite prostitute. Fuyuka who's at the nightclub with him is happy for you and Baji. She vows to protect your child.

Kazutora dials Ume.

Chapter 6:
Izana's head is on your stomach, wanting to hear any movement but your child is 5 months old, Mikey makes fun of him, the two bickers as you got super irritated, demanding strawberry Taiyakis, Mikey has no choice but to offer his.

Emma and Draken visit you with their son who's going to be 2 soon, Mochi is your guard of the day, since Izana and Mikey are uncomfortable with seeing Emma and Draken.

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