Chapter 45

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Countless Brahman members have shielded Maria and Draken from Mikey. With Mikey's short figure, he couldn't see them and his attention was fixed on the other two deities.

Takeomi, South and Sanzu released their war cries, causing all 3 gangs to start fighting immediately.

The whole place was a mess but Maria could see Mikey, he remained calm as he stays in his spot beside Koko, his eyes scanning the crowd for someone.

"Maria, it's best you take out some of Rokuhara's members, they're the cause of your sister's death after all." Vael reminds her as she picked herself up from the ground.

She watches as Sanzu slam Kakucho's head down with a pipe. Alright, she'll go and help him, sprinting on the wet ground, she took out a shinai, one of the two blades on her back, blocking Ran's hit as Sanzu smiles maniacally.

"Long live the Queen!" He yells as Ran was startled.

It really was her, his beloved "sister".

She took advantage of his shocked state and kicks him in the stomach, forcing him back a few feet.

"You ok Sanzu?" She asked the pink hair male beside her. He grins widely, nodding his head at her, happy to see her.

"I, Sano Manchiro, will be joining Kanto Manji gang. I QUIT Brahman." She declares, "anyone who opposes my brother's rule will be squashed." Her words echoing in the Haitani's ears as she runs at them. Sanzu following tight behind her as they fought.

Meanwhile, Vael messages his father. Kurokawa Emma has not been killed, but in fact, the men Baji has sent to save her were successful.

And Baji was on his way to fulfill his father's request, which was to kill Vael and Fuyuka's father.

"Shit!" Sanzu swears, Maria wasn't holding up well against Ran.

"Hey, don't forget it was big bro who taught you how to fight. You will never match up to him." Rindo mentions, even if he says such harsh words to her, he felt bad, those bruises Ran had left on her body were not light. 

Sanzu strikes at the Rokuhara members holding him down, but more engulfed him, taking him away from his second fawned idol.

Maria does not feel the pain inflicted on her thin body, but the one in her heart. Why must god be so harsh on her, she lost her boyfriend and sister, separated from her last blood sibling for 3 years and now she's forced to fight the two guys who she called brothers in juvenile school.

"I was just punishing myself for being so incompetent that I couldn't save anyone." Maria smiles, coughing slightly.

"Nii-chan, don't hold back on me anymore." Maria smiles, attitude changing as she changed her stance.

She had been hiding her real skills from Ran and Rindo the whole time.

Since Ran couldn't bring himself to hit her, she strikes first.

Ran blocks the attack but didn't anticipate that she'll use her feet to go under their weapons and kick him in the jaw.

"Nii-san!" Rindo yells as he grabs onto Maria's hand to break the joint but she lets go of her Shinai and flips him over, slamming his back onto the ground.

He hadn't anticipate that to happen since she was so thin and didn't look like she could lift him over her back.

The pain coursed through him as he gritted his teeth, letting her go.

"Hey Rindo-nii, I'm weak against grapples, if you attack me now. I'll surely lose." She said. Rindo didn't think twice before diving down to grab her. Ran's yells was too late as she slammed her knee into Rindo's face. He falls to the ground, nose bloody as he was trying to cling onto consciousness.

She bends down to pick her shinai back up and immediately blocks a attack from Ran.

A coppery liquid starts to fill her mouth but she ignores it as Ran pushes down on her harder with his superior strength.

She couldn't take it anymore as Ran strikes down, she dodged away but it hits her hand.

Sanzu runs to beside her.

Maria couldn't take it anymore, she coughs more as blood finally spills out of her mouth. At this point, Mikey finally spots her, he walks quickly towards her with Koko behind.

"Maria! Shit! Did I hit you too hard?" His face was bruised as Sanzu squatted beside her, refusing to let Ran touch her.

She shakes her head as blood keeps coming out.

"Shit. She needs to go to the hospital." Rindo says just as her head tilted to a side and Sanzu catches her.

Mikey arrives.

"Haruchiyo call the ambulance." He nods, letting Mikey hold his sister.

"Hey. You did great now. Baji is alive and so is Emma." His hand brushed over her head as she smiled weakly at him.

"Mikey-nii, why must you say such cruel lies? I'm going to see them soon after all." She whispers.

Baji had looked through Maria's medical records and realized her condition. If she lived a peaceful life, she would have lived to 2017, but since she might have lived with the stress of protecting Emma and fighting, it would shorten her lifespan.


So he told Mikey about it.

"You idiot. I'm not lying." Mikey scoffs.

As if on cue, Baji arrives with Fuyuka beside him, Vael was being dragged by his half sister, beaten and bruised, Emma behind them.

"He lied to make the most out of you Maria." She explains. 

Baji was a bit beaten up but he squats beside Maria, she was crying as he pats her head.

"Let's go home! We'll live the rest of our lives together! What do you say huh? My beloved?" His voice sounded so foreign yet so comforting and familiar in her ears.

"I would like that very much." She whispers, her hands going to Baji's face as Emma appears with Draken beside her.

Ran and Rindo watched as their little sister cried.

Sanzu cursed, "Mikey! South's men are clogging up the traffic, we'll have to bring Maria to the hospital ourselves if we want her to live!" He yells as Maria smiles at Baji and Emma.

They're alive. She doesn't want to die now.

Her teeth was gritted as Baji takes her into his hands. "I'll bring her to the hospital." Baji tells the others.

They nodded their heads just as South appears. Mikey stays back to deal with him as Baji was running away with Maria on his back.

"You fucker." She laughs, cursing at him.

"I really was going to kill myself years ago to follow you." She says as Baji gets onto her motorbike.

"Yeah? Well you better not do it now." He sees the silver ring he had given her years ago before they parted.

"I don't plan on doing it." She smiles, rain pouring on them both just as Baji was about to drive away , someone shoots.

It was a Rokuhara Tandai member, his hand wobbled as he stares in glee.

Baji curses as Maria places a hand on her stomach and shakily looks down on it.

Blood covered her hands.




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