Chapter 20

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I just realized, I've forgotten to specify a few important things.

Maria can be considered as reader, I'm quite unsure about this as reader would be reader themself but as Mikey's twin. She would need to have a name similar to his and looks like him. So therefore, reader can go imagine they have blonde hair or something? Idk, I'm unsure here.

And uh what the XX thing here is, oh it's Baji X Maria X Kazutora. 😂 crap, a important information that everyone was missing out on. But yeah, at the end, she'll have to choose one of them. And yes, I wonder if I'm nice enough to give happy endings 😄.

2 days after Manchiro Sano is released from Juvenile school. December 27, 2003.

Maria huffed as her breath clouded before her in the cold winter air as she walks in her now changed Toman uniform to a Toman meeting.

She was wearing long winter socks as she swished her skirt about, it was her first time wearing this new clothing.

Mikey told her Mitsuya had personally made it for her as a present for her getting out of juvie.

"It's nice." She whispers to herself as she walks about the shrine where the founding Toman members and her had created Toman.

Her hair was tied by Baji earlier into a ponytail as her bangs were left down in two long strands before her face.

"Now then! I'll introduce Toman's third in command!" Mikey yells, signaling her entrance as she walks forward and peers at the dozens of guys standing before her.

"A girl?" Some of them whisper, "she looks like Mikey."

"Why is there a girl in our gang?"

"She shouldn't be here."

"Maria who just got out of juvenile school. Is a founding member of Toman. I will now appoint her to be Toman's third in command after Draken, I expect everyone to treat her well!" Mikey yells as he sits down on the ground beside Maria.

Maria had told him earlier to not tell the members she was his twin, it's not like it mattered anyways.

"Do you all hear that?!" Draken yells at the members before them.

"Y-yes!" They yell as Mikey dismissed them.

"So this is Baji's girlfriend." Mucho,the 5th division Captain says as walks up the stairs and looks at her.

Sanzu stood behind him with short blonde hair as he doesn't utter a word when she looks at him.

Maria looks away from him as she sees another blonde behind her boyfriend as Baji walks towards her.

"This is my Vice-Captain, Chifuyu." Baji said as he pulled her towards his body as Chifuyu stares at her with his green eyes slightly narrowed at her.

"This is my Vice Captain, Hakkai." Mitsuya introduced as Hakkai doesn't even dare to look at her. "He's a late bloomer and has difficulty speaking to girls." Mitsuya whispers to her as she waved it off.

She already knows that from the manga, it was quite cute to see him avoid speaking to girls though.

"Those two are called Smiley and Angry. They're the fourth division Captains." Baji said introducing them to her as she nodded her head at them.

"Wow, you're prettier up close." Smiley exclaimed as Baji's hands tightened around her Maria pats Baji's back as he stops tensing.

"Hope to work well with you." Angry says.

Pah-Chin who slowly climbed the stairs was the last as he introduced Peyan to Maria.

"Good to see you all." Maria says as she bows slightly as Baji smiles and kisses her cheek.

She sensed Chifuyu get a little angry but she shrugs him off as she pushed Baji off her. He was so clingy after she got out of juvenile school.

"We're going to have barbecue. Do the rest of you want to join us?" Mikey asks them as they agreed.

Mikey sits between Maria and Draken as Draken was mostly cooking for Mikey as Chifuyu sits opposite Maria and Baji sat beside her.

She can sense his angry gaze on her as Baji was oblivious to Chifuyu's look as he keeps piling cooked meat on her plate.

"Miss, the spicy Peyoung Yakisoba you wanted is here." A waitress arrives as she passes the box of cooked noodles to Maria. Maria passes the plastic box of noodles to Baji as he blinks.

"They don't sell this here. Where'd you get that?" Mikey ask curiously as Baji offers half of it to Chifuyu but he rejects it.

"I got the waitress to go down the street to buy one and make for Baji." Maria says as she looks to Baji, "Baji here looks like he needs it." Maria muttered as Baji's face turns a little red and he reaches down to hug her smaller and shorter figure tightly to his body.

"My girlfriend is the best!" He laughs aloud, kissing her cheek as the others all look disgusted, especially Chifuyu. Sanzu's eyes were narrowed as Mucho looks like he doesn't care.

"Ew...." (Mikey, Draken)

"Damn get a room you two!" Peyan yells.

Pah-chin continues eating his fried rice as he doesn't care. Hakkai doesn't look at them as he munches on the barbecued meat.

"Take your flirting business somewhere else." Smiley says with a irk mark.

"Agreed, it's going to make us puke." Angry said as Mitsuya signs and smile.

"Seems like those two's relationship is good as ever." Mitsuya muttered as Maria pushes her shoulder against Mikey's shoulder as the other members all tensed except for the founding members.

"I'm going to see him again." Maria says to Mikey as his eyes dims a little but he shrugs it off with a smile. "Take your time then." He says patting her head as she smiles softly.

As everyone disperse to go home.

Chifuyu was wrecking his mind as he wonders who the heck Maria was as he doesn't understand how there is a girl in a biker gang and that specific girl can make his division captain swoon over her. She even went to juvenile school! She could be a threat to Baji.

And how is she so close to the leader?

He kept thinking till he bumped into someone as he rounds the corner of a building.

"Oh sorry.. wait it's you!" Chifuyu exclaims as he sees Sanzu on the floor before him.

"Ah sorry to you too." Sanzu said as the two got up and brushed themself off from that fall.

"Anyways see you next time." Chifuyu says, ready to leave only for vrooming noises to interrupt Sanzu's reply.

"Hey boss! Look what we got here!" A few dozens of rival biker gang members stare at the two Vice Captains as Chifuyu and Sanzu stare at them unprepared.


Was writing the future chapters where Kazutora and Baji meet again. And damn, so much drama 😂. Yeah this fan fiction has lemons.

 Yeah this fan fiction has lemons

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Everyday......I lie to myself that Baji is alive. Why did I get attached to a person who doesn't exist? 😥

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