Chapter 39

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"Shuni, are your gloves still working well?" Vael asks the white hair girl who was training with him in the huge training room as she stands in a corner resting from their workout.

The 18 year old girl nodded her head as she donned them on.

The dark metal slid out from the gloves, revealing sharp metal nails as Shuni slid it back.

They were specifically made for her in hand to hand combat. Fuyuka had designed them for her as the metal would hurt a lot if Shuni punches someone with her fist.

And then when she slides the metal out, they could be used to cut things.

Vael holds a wood log in his huge hands as Shuni slices through it easily. Fuyuka had made these for her when she does her father's dirty work.

"Alright, let's continue training then." Vael says as he wears a pair of boxing pads and Shuni trains with him without the gloves.



"Young master! Isn't that such great news~!" The grey hair man asks his young master as Baji walks through the halls of his house quickly, trying to shake the crazily cheerful sleep deprived man off his tail.

"Your father has allowed you to go back to see your girlfriend! After 2 and a half long years of parting~! Isn't that good!" He asks Baji as the 18 year old nearly smacks him.

"Hisashi shut up. Being with you makes me want to die." Baji whispers the second part as he walks to his room hastily.

He was excited and happy. After such a long time of being separated from his friends and mother, he can return soon.

His death was faked to the rest of the world as his father's rivals may kill him, the heir to the infamous Takasuka organ trading company. So his death was to convince his father's rivals he was dead.

He wonders how Maria and the others are doing.

But this time, when he returns, he has to help Hisashi kill his father's rival and he'll wait for two more year to take over his father's business.

Hisashi follows after his young master like a puppy as Baji slams his room door in his face.

"Alright~ I guess I have to start packing as well." Hisashi murmurs to himself as he walks back to his room while twirling and spinning around sometimes.

"But~ I'll really miss harvesting organs~" he laughs as he made a dramatic spin as a maid dodges him, fearful.

He laughs echoed throughout the empty hallway as Baji looks out of his window at the full moon, eyes full of hope as he fills his suitcase with clothes.


"Takemichi? Takemichi !" Takemichi snaps out from his current state of daydreaming as his girlfriend Hinata signs.

"It's been a while since I had been calling you. What's wrong?" She asked as the two were standing at the school's rooftop.

"I'm just thinking about the future again." Takemichi whispered, looking at the blue sky. It was a nice day as the weather was just nice for him.

And yet, he felt so depressed.

"Yeah. You just told me about Mikey and the others. Are there things you're haven't told me?" Hinata ask Takemichi.

She wanted him to be less burdened. After all, they were currently teenagers, when she had heard Baji died as a teenager, her heart ached for the loss of a young life.

But Baji still died and so did Maria and Emma. She remembered crying so much that day. 

She wanted to see the bodies of her dead friends. But the nurses prevented her from doing so.

"Hina. If I die one day. Promise me you'll still think about me." Takemichi said.


"Oh! Forget what I said!" He said running off but stopped at the door of the rooftop.

"Stay safe Hina." He said with a determined look to her as he left for Draken's place.

Right now, the only people he can depend on were Draken and Inupi.

But only Draken knows he could travel back to the future, he doesn't want Chifuyu to be wrapped up in this mess again.

Chifuyu is still recovering from Baji's death after all. And Kazutora is there to help him through it.

He signs heavily as he sits on a bus.

At Draken's place

"Are you for real?" Draken said.

He stood up angrily from his bed as Takemichi cries.

"Maria and Emma....." Draken whispers.

"Damn that means Shuni is actually Maria!" Draken yells as he slams his fist into the wall.

"Huh?" Takemichi whispers.

"That Shuni! She must have gotten a scar removal or something! Or even covered the scar with some makeup! Or else how do you explain she and Emma are alive in the future!" Draken says, standing up, pacing around as he held his head in his hand.

"Maybe that's why she has a voice changer to prevent you from knowing it's her." Takemichi whispered. 

"That could be it. But why is she hiding her identity? We'll have to get her back." Draken mutters as he stares up at the ceiling. "Then Mikey wouldn't spiral down that path again."

"I heard it all you lil shits." A deep voice entered the room as Draken and Takemichi immediately went on alert as they see Baji and Kazutora enter the room.

"Baji?!" Takemichi says a bit too loudly as the black hair male glares at him with red rimmed eyes after taking his sunglasses and cap off.

"Haha. What you said better be real Takemichi. Or else Baji will actually kill you." Kazutora said, laughing at the blonde hair boy as Draken and Takemichi stare at Baji intensely.

"Don't tell anyone else I'm alive or I'll offer you to my annoying dog." Baji growls as Draken sweat drops.


"Yeah. I have a servant who harvest human organs and gives them to my father to sell."

"Oh." (Awkward silence)

"Well we better start planning now." Baji said as he smoothened out his leather jacket.

"Yeah the faster the better." Kazutora chirped as the boys sat on the floor planning.


Next chapter will have some angst

Mikey is always suffering ㅠㅠ

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