• Extra Chapter • For Hanemiya Kazutora

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For Kazutora's birthday :D
And maybe he resembles me in some ways 🥲, no I did not kill anyone 🤣
Note: Kazutora and Maria are 24 years old here, this has nothing to do with the current fanfic I'm writing. It's like an Ova for anime.
Warning: Death and suicide mentions.
Kazutora's felt himself staring at Baji's dying body in Chifuyu's hands.

Why did you do this to me?! After all, I've done for you!! Baji yells at him as he coughs out blood onto the ground.

Everyone else around him started accusing him too.

Why did you do it?

He was such a good friend to you.

You belong to the deepest depths of hell.

This is probably why your parents don't love you.

The harsh sentences made his headache in pain. "Please, I really regret stabbing you, Baji." Kazutora's tears flowed down his cheeks as the guilt devoured him.

Regret? Regret wouldn't bring me out from my grave, will it? Huh? Kazutora? Can't believe Mikey and Toman did so much for you yet you betrayed us. Baji's cursed at him as he went lifeless in the faceless person's hands.

The scene faded to the time where he poisoned Maria.

He poured the transparent liquid into her bottle as everyone was out doing their physical exercise.

As soon as the deed was done, he walks away and observed as Maria returned to her desk. Thirsty from the exercise as she drank it.

She coughed hastily as blood started dripping out of her mouth. "Maria!" One of her friends yelled for her.

But this time, the ambulance didn't make it in time. Maria died in school.

"No no no! I didn't kill Maria. I didn't kill her. I really didn't do it." Kazutora laughs hysterically as he shakes his head rapidly.

"I didn't kill Baji or Maria. Please, please, please, god tell me this is just a joke." Kazutora pleads, his bell earring twinkled as its sound echoed throughout the empty and voidless place he was in.

He wakes up startled as he pants heavily.

"Oh, it's just a dream." He mutters to himself, panting harshly as tears flowed down his cheeks.

But he knows that both Maria and Baji are dead and it's all his fault.
Kazutora makes his way to the pet shop that he was working with Chifuyu.

"You look like shit." Chifuyu says bluntly. "Yeah had a bad night again." Kazutora zipped back as he picked up a kitten that was pawing at him.

He rubbed the kitten's head gently as Kuro, Maria and Baji's cat, sat at the counter.

It was about 13 years old as it tapped its tail at him.

"Chifuyu. What did you do to Kuro?" Kazutora asks the black hair male as his boss returns, carrying items for sale.

"I gave the kittens his favorite tuna to eat. But he already had his fill this morning. So I didn't give him more." Chifuyu explained as Kazutora looked at the old cat.

"What are you doing? I said to not feed him more." Chifuyu says as Kazutora was feeding the cat more tuna.

Kazutora doesn't reply back. Maybe he just wanted Maria and Baji to know their cat is doing well. He'll pamper their cat for them.

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