Chapter 16:

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*Liam's P.O.V*

I was in the room sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed where Niall was peacefully asleep. He had been my best friend since kindergarten, and now I was here watching him recover from a horrible relapse of alcoholism. How the hell did he even know where the liquor was?! It was all my fault, I knew it was. If I had only been there this afternoon after the service instead of the train car...


The rain was drenching me as I sprinted off through the train yard. Making sure there were no oncoming trains, I ran off towards the old train car where Elizabeth and I shared our first moments together. Once I got there, I hopped up inside, then looked out onto the lake. Gray misty clouds hung low above the waters surface, causing the wild flowers around it to dim in there summer colors. It was just the other night when this was a whole other scene. Fireflies light shone down on the water, as they all danced around the banks of the lake, and a symphony of crickets and cicadas filled the air. Now all there was, was the sound of the litter patter of rain pouring on the roof of the train car.  

I turned to the wall and started to read some of the poems and songs that stained the metal interior of the car. So much love, lust, and emotion in the form of lyrics or poetry. Some were actually just messages written to the people they loved, but could never have. My eyes kept scrolling through all of the works, until they stopped short at a familiar form of handwriting. The same handwriting from the note Elizabeth gave me that had her address and phone number on it. This was something joshed wrote...lyrics.

Heart beats fast 

Colors and promises 

How to be brave 

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall 

Watching you stand alone 

All of my doubt 

Suddenly goes away somehow 

One step closer...

As I read on, I smiled and shed a tear, thinking that maybe she wrote or heard these, thinking about me. I looked down to see if there a was a date, and it read that she had wrote it yesterday, July fourteenth. I took a sharpie maker out of the side table and began to write down the lyrics to the song Elizabeth and I first sang together, Little Things. I thought back to that night, when nothing else mattered. It was her and I and no one else. Everything was at peace, and it seemed as though time stopped just for us. We weren't thinking of what was about to come. All we thought of was that very moment when we looked into each others eyes and felt the same thing, love. 

Time seemed to have lingered on forever, until my phone buzzed, and Elizabeth's name lit up the screen with a selfie she had sent to me. Her blonde hair framed her face perfectly, and her eyes were shining that same shade of blue that they always did. I hit answer, and held the phone to my ear 

"Hey, how are you holding up?" I asked. 

"Horribly. My god, I have never felt so...broken. I just want him here with me now. I want him to hold me and tell me everything will be okay." she cried. "I'm loosing my mind Liam. I need my dad." Elizabeth added. My heart split in two at the thought of her in this much pain. She deserved more than this. 

"Elizabeth, if you want to be alone tonight-" I started. 

"No, I definitely want you to come over tonight. I...I need you." She said. A smile spread smoothly across my face at the thought of seeing Elizabeth later on. Wrapping my arms around her, holding her close, kissing every inch of her beautiful body, and most importantly, being there for her like no one else could. I could call here mine, and that's that made life worth living.

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