Chapter 12:

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Update: Okay, after this short chapter, this story is going on a small break until I am off of school. My grades suck and I really need to work on them. Sorry that this is such a short chapter, but in 5 days it will be updated again! So for now read this and like it and then if you really like it vote it and comment on it and share it wherever you share things, and thanks again for reading! :)


5 days later...

Niall's P.O.V:

I woke up on Harry's couch in his living room, confused as to why I was there. Both of Harry's parents were probably at work, like they usually are, but Harry was no where to be found. As I felt my stomach growl, I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. Once I walked through the doorway, I saw Harry standing there with a cup of water, and the position he would be in to walk to the living room. He put glass of water on counter next to me and gave me that same stupid smirk he always gave me. That's when suddenly, I remember what happened the other night. Harry showed up at Alyssa's house, but why...and how? (And how the fuck long have I been knocked out?! Seriously there is no way Harry hit me that hard!)

"Morning sleeping beauty." He chuckled.

"Alright, how did you know I was with Alyssa? The only ones who knew were Liam and Ed...and how did you keep me knocked out for so long?! I know that all didn't happen last night! I may be stupid, but I'm not dumb." I asked.

"Ed told me where you were. Niall, you should know by now that Ed can't keep a secret to save his life." Harry laughed. "And you woke up a few times, but I put sleeping pills in the water I gave you. You were out like a light."

"Aw c'mon Harry! Was that really necessary?!" I shouted. Harry only laughed more, then his face got serious.

"Look, you can't see Alyssa. I don't approve of it, and to be honest you're only hurting yourself. That's Louis the losers sister. Do you have any idea what that would do to your reputation at school when September rolled around. I am saving you, and I expect a thank you." Harry explained in a stern voice. Rage boiled inside me as I thought of how Harry thought he had any right controlling my life. The things he said Alyssa ruining my reputation. I didn't care, because for once the girl came first. Alyssa came before my friends, my reputation, and everything else.

"Harry, I honestly don't care what you think. It's my choice, not yours." I claimed.

"Well, I'm just looking out for you man." Harry laughed, walking past me and punching me in the arm. I turned on him, grabbed him by the shirt, and tossed him on the floor. Harry laughed hysterically, then swept his leg under my feet. causing me to fall hard onto the kitchen floor. I watched Harry stand up effortlessly.

"Getting tough, aren't we?" He asked in a sarcastic tone, then got on top of me, then threw his fist across my cheek with all his power. I could already feel the blood trickling from the corner of my mouth. No matter how hard I tried, Harry still towered over me, and was still attempting to hurt me. Over all, I was thinking of Alyssa. She must have felt so alone and scared since Harry basically broke into her house and kidnapped me. Alyssa saw how weak I truly was.

"HARRY!" Cried a female voice, and Harry stopped dead in what seemed like fear. He got up quickly and put his hands by his head in surrender. Did Harry get arrested again? Through the unbearable pain, I somehow rolled over and saw a girl with a shocked look on her face. She had long brown fair, and the face of a china doll. The girl grabbed a rag, then rushed over to me, pressing it against the bleeding area of my lip. She looked over at Harry with undeniable rage.

"Why did you hurt him?" She asked.

"Clary, you don't understand." Said Harry. My eyes shifted to him...he was crying? I didn't even know Harry could cry. The girl (Clary) looked back and flashed me a light smile.

"Baby doll, if it hurts a lot, go to the cabinet, get the whiskey, and take a few sips. You'll feel much better. Clary explained. I almost stopped breathing at the thought of the taste of the devil drink touching my lips. I used to drink it anytime, and every time of the day. Some days I would even bring white liquor in a watter bottle, and get a buzz by third period. Now I was sober, and she was telling me to drink again?!

I watched Clary grab Harry's hand and drag him up the stairs that led to Harr's room. The pain emanating from the inside of my right cheek made me want to scream. It would probably hurt less to cut my arm off. I tried to think of another way around the pain, but I saw that there really wasn't any other choice but the whiskey. Okay, just two sips. That's it, no more than that. You don't want a repeat of last year. I thoughts as I crawled over to the lower cabinet and opened it up. Booze by the dozens, and it was the nice kind too. The kind I had never even heard of before. Harry's parents were loaded so they always got the nice stuff that my parents could never afford. Still, I stuck to my guns, and reached for the pure whiskey. I stared at it for a long while and thought about what I was about to do. It's not like you can get wasted from two sips, so this wasn't that big a deal, right?

I slowly unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and the strong aroma filled my nostrils. Just the smell brought back horrible memories of the days when I would wake up with the king of all hangovers, and then drown out the feeling with more alcohol. I pressed my lips to the cool glass rim and tilted my head back, letting the liquor burn down my throat. I stopped and let the taste hang in my mouth for a little while. It was good to feel the same tang that I used to calm my nerves. I wanted more, no, I needed more. After all, it didn't kill the pain yet. I swashed back more whiskey, this time taking in more...much more...

Niall! Stop! A voice screamed at me in my head, but the voice slowly disappeared with the pain. Suddenly, I was feeling so much better. In fact, I felt amazing. I laughed a bit and chugged down more whiskey.

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