Chapter 5:

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Hope everyone liked the little mini chapter thing I posted! AND THE PLOT THICKENS! But now we are back in present time, and back with Liam and everyone, but I want to know, who do you ship? Maybe Eliam, Elizalouis, Elizayn, or even Hazzabeth?! Let me know, down below! (lol, that rhymed :3)

*Liam's P.O.V*

Niall walked beside me staring in the same direction as me, where Alyssa and Elizabeth exited through the doors of the dining hall. I still couldn't get what Louis said out of my head. He was so protective over her, like he was her brother or something. I had to find a way to find out more about their relationship. Maybe they went out? Maybe they hooked up? I couldn't see her doing that, but you never know. I kept playing over that moment in my head. Elizabeth's hands around my neck, mine around her waist, and our lips connected. She was beautiful. I hated being away from her like this, and I knew that I had to see her again, tonight if possible.

"Oh wow...I, that was...something else." Niall sighed. I turned and looked at him. Niall was in a daze I had never seen before. He looked hypnotized, but happy.

"You like Alyssa?" I asked. He turned, and his smile lit up. He nodded and started laughing a little. I always thought Niall was kind of cute. Not like, love cute, but he was like a little puppy.

"Oh! Which reminds me, I found out where-" Niall started, then was cut off.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the two Romeo's?" Chimed a voice. Harry walked into the dining hall with a smirk on his face. "Outside, now." He demanded. I swallowed hard and followed Harry out onto the balcony of the dining hall. Roses grew all along the walls of the country club. When you stood on the balcony, you out looked the entire back of the country club. When Harry shut the door, we turned around. He just stood there with his arms folded and a smirk on his face. Niall and I both understood what this was about. He didn't want me seeing Elizabeth, and he definitely didn't' want Niall seeing his enemy's sister."Do you two know why you're out here?" He asked. Niall and I shrugged. "C'mon guys, don't play stupid with me. Niall, you told me that Liam would be here with Jenna, so why did he dance with Callaway?"

"Well, we had that stupid dance thing so we really didn't have a choice." I blurted out. Harry laughed a little.

"Oh c'mon, everyone saw you two sucking face on that dance floor, so why deny it?" He said.

"So what if we see them Harry? That thing with you and Louis is between you and Louis, not us." Niall stated. I think this is the first time I ever saw Niall Horan being serious. He was usually trying to crack jokes or be silly, but this time he kept a completely straight face.

"You guys are my friends!" Harry yelled at us.

"That doesn't mean we take orders from you." Niall replied, still standing solemn and tall. I could see Harry getting angry. His fists clenched and his jaw tightened up. If I had learned anything about Harry in the past few years that I knew him, it was that when he was mad at someone, it didn't end well. Niall just stood there staring at him. He cocked his eyebrow. "So are we done here Harry? I have someone I need to see."

"What the fuck?!" Harry yelled in anger. Oh boy...

"Yeah, I got Alyssa's address, and apparently Elizabeth lives right near by." Niall explained. Harry was fuming by now. His face was red, and fists were clenched up so tight, his knuckles were white. That's when he snapped. Harry ran up to Niall and punched him right in the mouth, causing him to stumble a bit, but still keep most of his balance. I stared, my mouth gaping open at the sight of blood trickling down the corner of Niall's mouth. Harry--still as pissed as he ever will be--then kneed him in the balls, and punched him in the stomach twice. It wasn't hard to see, Harry was strong and well built. While on the other hand, Niall was nothing but a toothpick in comparison. Harry could easily snap him in half if he wanted to, but I knew he didn't. Though Harry had a horrid temper, I knew that Niall was still his friend, and that this was just nothing compared to what he could do. Harry was just...difficult to get along with.

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