Chapter 7:

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

I stared at me feet, my back straight, and a smile on my face. We were now walking along my favorite set of train tracks now, heading to the abandoned train car. I was on one rail tyring to keep my balance, and Liam was on the other. We held each others hand to help with balance. We both knew that if the other was there, we wouldn't fall.

"So I finally agreed and helped him, and that is how Louis really passed English!" I laughed, and Liam laughed along with me. I told him about the time when Louis had to beg for my help when he was failing English last year. Since I was in AP English, he immediately came to me for help, but I wanted to know that he would work for it and not slack off. I made him prove it and the way he did was when he went to the mall with Alyssa, Zayn and I one day, he was trying to look smart, but ended up looking so stupid. He wore a button up shirt, a bow tie and glasses. I just laughed at him and then agreed to help him. He told everyone he did it on his own, but people were smarter than that. They all knew I helped them, mainly because I help everyone.

"Well, I wish I knew you last year" He chuckled.

"What? You needed a good history grade? I was in AP history too." I joked, though, my offer to do history papers wasn't really a joke. I usually did other peoples homework for money.

"No, it was just...last year I needed someone like you. Someone so bright and happy like you are." He explained. I could feel my smile fade away as I remembered the events that unfolded last year. Zayn trying to stop smoking, Louis getting into so many fights with people (like Harry), and then me with my own problems. Everyone knew about them, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone. There wasn't a single person in town who didn't know what happened to me and what I tried to do. If you asked anyone, they could tell you details even I didn't know. Sure, Louis would protect me from everyone, but the one person he couldn't protect me from, was myself.

" you really wouldn't." I say, pushing some hair behind my ear with my free hand. I could just feel Liam worrying about me just from the way the feeling in the air changed around us. It wasn't so bright and warm and happy, but it was much darker.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I stayed silent as all the horrible images from last year flashed through my head. The feelings and urges were coming back, even though I was doing my best to ignore them, and put them back where I could never find them.

"Things just happened...and Liam, I really would rather keep memory lane closed. What happened is in the past and that's where it should stay." I sighed. Yeah, Liam was different. I know that, but I still didn't want to go down that road again.

"Elizabeth...I want to know. I mean...does it hurt that much to go back? I am sorry, I am being so rude." He asked after a long pause. I stared at him for a while, then went back to watching my feet.

", it's just...I haven't ever told anyone outside of a hospital about how it all happened and how I felt. I guess I can tell...but you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked. We looked up at each other at the same time, standing still on the railroad tracks. He smiled at me with that warm welcoming smile that made me like him the moment I met him tonight.

"Wouldn't dream of it Angel." Liam says. I look back down.

" started last year. Not a lot of people know this, but my parents argue, a lot. And my dad is a heavy drinker. When I was younger, I remember my dad being so violent toward my mother and I when I was younger. As I got older, my dad got sober and things got a little better, but some nights he would still get drunk, and my mom would have to lock us in a room away from him. Two years ago, I was hit by a car and I couldn't remember it happening, and I was scared that I couldn't. I was terrified that I actually couldn't remember parts of my life. Most of my memory was still intact, but I couldn't remember some things, and when I tried, my head just hurt. I got so depressed, and I...I started hurting myself. After a while, I decided I was fed up with the fighting between my parents, and I was ready to know, kill myself. I just...I was so done. Then my parents found out I was ready to OD and took me to the hospital. Since my dad has such a high status in town, everyone knew about it by the time I was there." I explained. My vision was blurred by steamy tears that haven't come out since that night at the hospital. I didn't even realize that we had completely stopped walking on the side rails, and we were right in the middle of the tracks. Liam just stared as I wiped the horrid tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just been so long since I-" I stopped as Liam held me close, wrapping his strong arms around me.

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