Chapter 19:

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*Clary's P.O.V*

I basically bashed down my front door, frantically hunting down Harry. Thank god Louis Tomlinson has a soul. Otherwise I would be visiting my boyfriend in prison, and since prison scares me, I wouldn't be visiting all that often. So that was good, but wasn't enough to cover up the bad, no, horrible events that unfolded in the fields. Harry shot someone. Sure, it didn't kill the poor girl, but she was still in the hospital, and he still had the intention of shooting someone right between the eyes. Thank the Lord Harry's accuracy sucks. 

"Harry, Harry, where are you?!" I called up into the house, I assumed was empty. 

"Clary Baker, get in the kitchen this instant!" My mother yelled. Oh dear baby Jesus, I thought. Don't get me wrong, my mother loved Harry, that is because she was unaware of half the things Harry did, but, hey, what she doesn't know won't kill her right? I sprinted out into the kitchen to see Harry sitting at the table, and my mother standing over him. As soon as Harry laid eyes on me, he smiled, got up, and hugged me tight. 

"There you are! Babe, I was so worried about you!" He cried. I looked up at him with a confused glance, but his emerald green eyes told me to just go with it. "You ran out to go get a bite to eat with your friends, and when I tried calling your phone, you didn't pick up. So I came here and told your mom. Hope you weren't out in the rain too long. We're apparently getting big storms tonight!" He added, almost as if he were letting me in on the little lie. 

"Clary, you can't ignore him! He needs your attention if you want him around." My mom scolded as she went back to doing dishes. 

"Y-yeah, okay, of course." I sighed "C'mon Harry, we have some...things, to talk about." I said, taking his hand and leading him upstairs.  

"It was nice seeing you Harry!"  

"You too Mrs. Baker!" Harry called back as I rolled my eyes and threw him into my room. I shut the door behind me, then turned to him, arms folded across my chest and hungry for answers. 

"So, sexy time?" He asked with that stupid little smirk on his face. 

"No, question time. Why were you going to shoot Liam?" I asked firmly. 

"Simple, Louis asked me to, and he was getting in the way." Harry said, moving in closer towards me. He tried to put his large hands on my waist, but I quickly removed them before he could have a firm grip. 

"What kind of excuse is that?! You almost shot your friend just because someone tells you to?"  

"Babe, it's more complicated then that." 

"Well that's not how I see it." I stated. Harry stared at me a long while with his stupid little smirk, now showing his beautiful white teeth.  

"Look, it's hot in here. Isn't it hot in here?" He asked me sarcastically.  

"No Harry, not now."  

"I'm just saying you look a little warm." He chuckled, slipping the strap of my tank top off my shoulder. "Oops."  

"Your sarcastic games aren't going to work this time Harry."  

"Oh really? Well then, challenge accepted." He laughed, grabbing my waist firmly this time, and kissing me right on the neck. No, I was not giving into him this time. Then again, restraining myself from Harry sex wasn't something I was particularly good at. "C'mon, Clary, baby, no one is dead or anything. Is it really a big deal?" he whispered in a low raspy voice, slowly creeping his lips closer to my ear. 

"Styles, stop, we need to...have...a-a serious..." My voice trailed off as he nibbled on my ear, and my legs turned to jelly. Screw staying strong against him, I wanted him. I needed him.  

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