Chapter 23:

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(*A/N- Hello my lovelies! I am so happy to see this got over 700 views! You have no idea how much that means to me! Unfortunately, this will be the second to last chapter of this! But don't worry! I am planning to write a sequel! I have a lot of school work and stress right now though, so it may be a while until I know when exactly I will be posting that, but none the less, this isn't the end! Just hang in there until I can write a couple chapters of the next story. Thank you again for reading.*)

*Earlier today*

Zayn's Chapter:

As I sat in the lobby of the hospital, waiting for Mrs. Callaway to arrive, I checked my phone for the time. Seven A.M. My eyes were heavy and I felt as though I would pass out any moment now. All the shit going on now though, I had to stay awake and alert. Most of what I was expecting to happen was probably some bullshit paranoia, but I was still staying on my toes. What I wouldn't give right now to sleep.

"Her name is Perrie Edwards, that's P-E-R-" I heard a voice say, but that wasn't what got my attention. It was the name that did. Perrie...Perrie Edwards? That name rang a bell...

"R-I-E. We just moved here the other day, and I wanted to drop off the last of these medical records." The woman said to the receptionist. Next to the woman stood a girl my age. She had blonde hair and light blue eyes. She wore a floral skirt, a pair of cowgirl boots, a tight white tee-shirt, and a light wash jean vest over it. She was in the middle of sending a text on her phone, but when she looked up, I knew exactly who she was. Perrie Edwards, my best friend from my old house before I moved here. Was that really her? It couldn't be real, could it?

"P-Perrie?!" I called standing up. Her head snapped over to me, and she grinned widely. Oh thank god she remembers. I thought. Awkward situation avoided! 

"Zayn?! Zayn Malik?! I...I can't believe it!" She exclaimed, rushing over to give me a hug. I quickly wrapped my arms around her, as she did to me. God, I missed her hugs. Perrie always gave the best hugs of all time. "I can't believe this is where you moved!"

"Y-yeah, but why are you here?" I asked her.

"My dads work got transferred, so we had to move." She told me "Thank god we did though! I thought I'd never see you again!" 

"Same here. Actually, I was just thinking about you."

"Oh really?"

"Y-yeah, well, what I meant to say was, um-" I started, but I was cut off by a familiar voice. Good thing too, because I didn't really have any idea what direction that sentence was going in...

"Well, if it isn't Zayn Malik!" Her mothers voice shrieked. I turned around right into a hug from Mrs. Edwards. She always liked me, and it didn't hurt that she used to be great friends with my mom, since Perrie and I were basically inseparable. "My, you've gotten big! I haven't seen you since you were, I think eight years old, right?" She asked

"Yes, it's good to see you too Mrs. Edwards." I laughed.

"I'm so glad Perrie will have a friend in town to show her around. Where are you living now?" 

"Down by Steward street, and you?"

"Same Street! This is so strange! It'll be just like you two were kids!" She chuckled. "Well Perrie, you still have some unpacking to do. Say goodbye to Zayn, trade phone numbers or whatever while I go get the car. It was lovely seeing you again Zayn!" She chimed, then walking towards the doors to the hospital. 

"It was nice seeing you too Mrs. Edwards." I called, then looked back down at Perrie, since she still wasn't taller than me.

"I forgot how much of a kiss up you can be." She giggled.

"What?! Me?! Naw!" I laughed, then added, "Hey, let me get your phone number. Once I finish up what I'm doing here, maybe we can hang out?"

"Oh, right! What are you doing here anyway?" Perrie asked as we traded phones to put our numbers into them. You know, just here after one of me friends got shot by a psychopathic idiot, and helping out my friend who loves her. Just the normal around here. I thought. Jesus Christ, I was loosing my mind. There was no way I was telling Perrie any of that. She just moved here, and I'm pretty sure she would like to keep the idea of this being a small, peaceful, normal town. Not to mention, knowing Mrs. Edwards would have a heart attack if she ever found out about half of anything that has happened in the past feew weeks.

"O-oh, my friend Louis scarped up his knee pretty bad out by the train yards yesterday. We hang out there a lot these days, and Louis was running along the tracks and tripped. He's okay though." I lied. Sure, lying wasn't the best option of all time, (I mean, check out what happened to Louis.) but I wanted to keep Perrie safe from all of that. She was special to me, and I would do anything I could to keep her away from all of the drama going on right now. 

"Oh, wow, that sounds bad, but train tracks? Really Zayn? You just can't stay out of trouble can you?" Perrie laughed.

"You know me." I slightly chuckled, remembering who I was lying to. There was a long, almost awkward silence between us, until her mother pulled up to the hospital doors, and honked the horn, telling her to come outside. Perrie smiled up at me, then gave me another hug.

"Well...I-I'll be seeing you around Zayn." She said lightly, then ran out to her mothers car.

"Y-yeah...see you around." I whispered to myself, smiling.

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