Chapter 6:

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*Niall's P.O.V*

I looked out to each house trying to look for their address's so we could find Alyssa. Man, they were huge. Mansions almost! Trying to find the numbers was like finding a needle in a hay stack, so it was almost impossible. Seriously, I didn't even know where I fucking was anymore! This neighborhood was so big we could've been on the other side of town by now. If only I had told Elizabeth and Liam to stay with me and show me which way to go. Elizabeth gave me some directions, but I couldn't even remember half of them. At this rate I would probably be stuck in this neighborhood forever. What if somehow Louis found me? Oh, that would not be good, at all! He would recognize me right away, considering I knew how he was. I saw the little show down between him and Liam. Louis was a very over protective guy, but he didn't even know me! He wouldn't even give me a chance to prove that I wasn't the guy he thought I was. I mean...yeah, I have definitely made some mistakes in my life, but who hasn't? The worst part, was I knew exactly what memory he had in mind.

Last year, I was at the same party as Louis, and...yeah, I was drunk--and I don't mean buzzed drunk, I mean the kind of drunk where you wake up the next morning and it's like solving a mystery when you try to find out what happened the night before. Yeah, that kind of drunk--and yes, I made a HUGE mistake the night of the party, but that was the old me! I sober'd up, and now I was clean. I have been for a year. Last year I remember was a bad year for everyone. I heard things about people that I couldn't believe, and I even heard things about me that I didn't believe. Either way, last year was best to be forgotten about by everyone. No one wanted to revisit last year, and when I say no one, I mean no one.I still remembered what happened to Liam last year. He went through this phase where he was just disgusted with himself. Every night he would call me and tell me how he felt and I (being the awesome friend I was) immediately got help. Then he met Danielle, and they went out for a while, but then they broke up, and for the first month and a half he took it pretty harshly, but now he has moved on (if you couldn't tell already).

Damn it! I thought as I came up to the dead end of a court. What was her address again? I think it was a court! I quickly pulled out the piece of paper that Alyssa gave me at the country club. It read 46 Perkins Street. Fuck! I yelled in my head. This was impossible! I would never find her again! I told her I would see her tonight, and now I am also a liar! Good going Niall! Good- I thought until my thoughts were shortly interrupted.

"Hello? Who's out there?" I heard a familiar voice call. I slowly turned around and saw Zayn standing right there. Oh shit...I am screwed. I thought over and over and over again. Zayn never liked Liam and I. He always thought that we were just workers for the queen bee that was Harry. (Even though Louis was the real diva in the whole situation.) He scowled at the very sight of me. I smiled as politely as I could, trying to make myself look like I wasn't searching around for his best friends sister. (That makes me sound like I am stalking her...does this count as stalking? She knew I was coming I don't think so...)

"H-hey Zayn!" I cheered trying my best to seem innocent. He folded his arms and shook his head.

"Niall! What are you doing here?" He asked. I shrugged and put my hands in my pockets.

"You know," I said holding out the 'O' sound, trying to think of an excuse to be here. "Harry wanted me to...uh, talk to you! Yeah, he wanted me to tell you that he thinks your hair is dumb!" I lied. (Personally, I liked it. It was styles nice and neat into a perfect quiff with caramel highlights...though with the highlights, it looked a little like a batch of Cinnamon rolls.) Really Niall?! Really?! His hair is dumb?! You can do so much better than that!

"Are you serious?! Well you can tell that back stabbing, lying ass that he can go cry into his pillow!" Zayn yelled back at me. Yep, I was now scared...and curious? Did he call Harry a back stabber? Since when does Harry know anything about Zayn? I tilted my head to the side and stared at Zayn for a while.

"What are you...did you say something about Harry stabbing you in the back?" I asked. Zayn's anger suddenly calmed and his face fell, realizing that he had opened the door to a new conversation. He sighed and massaged the temples of his forehead.

"Just get out of here." He sighed. Suddenly, I was angry that he shut me out like that.

"Look, I know Harry is a cunt, but that doesn't make Liam and I his little clones, so stop pretending like you know us! Yeah, we are his friends, but that doesn't mean we're copies of him! So can you stop being douche bags for like five minutes so you can get to know us before you fucking judge us?!" I shouted. Zayn was over all shocked that I was getting so aggressive. "Now, I want to know why you called Harry a back stabber, the jack ass beat me up pretty bad tonight, so there's no way I would rat you out to him." I explained. Zayn laughed a little bit. Probably at the fact that I called his enemy a cunt.

"Okay, well, Niall, right?" He asked.


"Well, I don't really know you or Liam, I just know that Harry was never ever nice to Louis. Always beating him up and saying mean things to him. Before I moved here six years ago, Louis had no real friends." He explained, then gave me a serious look. "And you promise not to tell him any of this?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't give him that pleasure." I laughed. Zayn looked down at the ground, and scratched the back of his neck.

"When I first moved here...Harry was my first friend. He wanted me to join his little group of loyal followers. When he and I became better acquainted, we started talking about some more personal things. When I walked into school the next day, everyone was talking about me. I thought Harry had officially ruined my life, but then Louis started talking to me, and we instantly became friends." Zayn explained. Sounded like something Harry would do. I wonder why he never told us that he was talking to Zayn. What did he tell Harry that made him embarrassed to be seen with him? I mean, I can only guess that's why he never told us.

"That's horrible, but so in Harry's nature." I said, rolling my eyes. Zayn stared at me for a while before finally talking.

"Why are you even friends with him?" He asked.

"Well, I wanted a friend, and no one would talk to me but Liam and Harry, and their parents are great friends which is why they are good friends too. Though Liam and Harry are polar opposites. Harry is...well, Harry, and Liam is this sweet gentle guy. He doesn't even swear!" I laughed. Zayn laughed with me. This is the first time Zayn and I had a legit conversation and he was actually a really cool guy. Why would Harry ever lie to him? I had to find this out, considering the curiosity was killing me. Finally, I remembered that Alyssa was still waiting.

"Um, Zayn, I know I just kind of gained your trust, but do you think you can help me out?" I asked. Zayn had a puzzled look on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I want to see Alyssa again, and I told her that I would see her later tonight...have any idea where 46 Perkins Street is?" I said with a smile on my face. He stared at me for a while.

"Louis house? Are you asking for a beating?" He chuckled.

"Considering I already got one, no. I need to see Alyssa again. She's...different from any other girl I have ever met." I explained. Zayn smiled.

"Yeah, she wouldn't shut up about you, but Louis didn't want to hear it. I kind of listened, and it sounds like she really likes you." He said. That's when Zayn pointed the way to Alyssa, my princess.

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