Chapter 22:

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*Louis P.O.V*

I was texting Zayn, who was sick of Alyssa and Niall being all cute, and was now on his way to meet up with me. I couldn't blame him. After all, if Liz didn't choose me in the end, then I would have to watch her be all happy with Liam and deal with my sister being in love with his best friend. Overall, watching Liz be happy with Liam would hurt the most. No, I couldn't be thinking about that. I should be happy and grateful. Liz was giving me the chance of a lifetime. All of my mistakes were forgotten and my one wish had come true. I was starting over with her, and this time, I wasn't going to screw it all up. If I did, she would be gone forever, and that's something I couldn't afford to happen.

"Hey man, where's Liam?" Zayn's voice asked, and my head snapped in his direction. He had half a smile on his face, and sat down in the chair next to me.

"He's talking with Nan." I answered. Why did she want to talk to him? Of all people, why Liam? I( shouldn't be worried, should I? Nan would take my side over his any day. I mean, she knew me better than anyone else! After all, she was the first person I told about my feelings for Liz. She would always tell me that one day, Liz would maybe see how much I cared about her. Until then, I watch over her, and make sure nothing bad ever happens to her so she doesn't get hurt. Yes, there were instances where I might have taken it...too far, but in the end, it was all for her own good. I didn't want her to get hurt. Maybe punching her date to the dance a couple times in the face was a bit too much, but I saw him checking out his ex-girlfriend while he was dancing with Liz. If anything, he deserved it.

"Huh, I wonder why.: Zayn sighed.

"Yeah, same...Zayn, Liz is starting over with Liam and I. She is forgetting all of my mistakes, and I want you to answer this honestly, do you think I have a chance?" I asked him. Zayn stared at me for a while, then sighed.

"I have no clue mate. I mean, you and I both know you have fucked up pretty bad before, and I'm just saying somethings that happened may be too bad to forget." Zayn told me.

"Yeah, but...if she does forget it, and she's just judging me on what happens from here on out, what do you think?" I ask again.

"Well...then you have just a good a chance as Liam in my opinion. I doubt she will, I mean it would take a miracle for her to forget everything." Zayn sighed. A smile widened across my face as I thought about it more and more. Liz and I were starting all over again. All the mistakes I made in the past were disappearing with every passing second. By tomorrow, the accident, the kiss, and the liw would all be nothing but a faded memory from the past. Liam, yeah, he was nice, but I loved her first. He would never have the relationship I have with Liz. We just connect a certain way. All those days when I wasn't busy punching someones face in for staring at her, we were just ourselves. That's the one thing I always ever wanted. Someone I could just be me around. This was my one chance to make things right, and this time, I was determined not to screw it up. Nothingm, and no one, would stand in my way.

"So where's Alyssa?" I questioned.

"Down by the cafetiria with Niall. You know, he and Ed are actually pretty cool guys once you get to know them." Zayn explained, which got me thinking about Niall dating my sister. Why didn't I really care about it? If I found this information out two or three days ago, I would have rather cut my leg off then ever see them together. Now it was like I was finally getting used to the idea of those two actually being together. Besides, Alyssa wasn't a sissy kind of girl. I knew she could take care of herself. Still, I knew that if Niall ever broke her heart, I would Sparta kick his sorry Irish ass all the way to Africa. For now though, I kind of liked the idea to the two dating. Instead of Alyssa hanging out with Liz, I would have more of an oppertunity to make our relationship happen. We belonged together. I know we did. She and I just had something she could never have with anyone else.

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