Chapter 24:

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(*A/N- Last chapter, then I write the sequel! Thank you guys so much for reading!*)

By noon I was finally back home in my own bed. It was strange seeing my mom so strong after this, but at the same time, I think it was Nan pushing her to be strong. Either way, I was happy. Nan was staying with us the next two weeks, and she agreed to help around the house since mom was still very shaken from dad's death. So much had happened in the pasty couple of days. I mean, I met Liam, and just now remembered being hit by a car, found out my childhood friend loved me, lost my father, and nearly died saving a guy I met a week ago. Never a dull moment, but now I had to forget all of that. I loved both Liam and Louis equally, but I couldn't have two boyfriends. (That's just sick) Still, I knew someone in the end would be hurting. Soon, there was a knocking at my door, thankfully snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"Elizabeth, is it alright if I come in?" Nan's voice asked as I sat up on my bed.

"Of course Nan." I responded, and she entered the room. "How's mum doing?"

"Oh, quite alright. She's still a little...shocked, but how can you blame her? That's actually what I came up here to talk to you about." She answered, then sitting down next to me on the bed.


"Well...your mother and I talked about your fathers passing, and what's to come next. You know that she is currently unemployed, which means the bills can't be paid." She told me.

"Yes, and?"

"Being your grandmother, of course I don't want you out on the streets, so by fall time, I want both you and your mother to come and live with me at my estate." She sighed. My mouth gaped open at what she had to say. Move into Nan's mansion?! As a kid, yeah i was my dream, but now it was my last wish. I didn't want to leave all my friends behind. I know Nan only lived on the upper North side of town, and it wasn't too far away. I could easily take the train from there to our neighborhood, and I would be back with Alyssa, Zayn, and Louis in a matter of twenty minutes. Still, it would hurt me not to walk out my front door and see my three best friends waiting for me at the corner every winter morning, even though it got annoying when Louis would go on and on complaining about how cold it was. Sure I could still see them whenever I wanted, but it was all the little things that I would miss the most.

"O-oh, thank you Nan. That's very generous of you. When will we be moving in?" I asked her.

"I'm guessing the end of September." She once again, sighed. "I hope you aren't hurt by this darling, because it really is for the better." 

"I-I know Nan. I'll just miss living so close to my friends." I told her. Without saying anything, she got up, gave me a kiss on my forehead and left my room. Right when the door shut, I fell backwards, falling into my bed. I shut my eyes, trying to wrap my brain around the idea of moving. Now that was added, along with choosing between Louis and Liam. Perfect. As I let out a large sigh, I heard vibrations come from my phone. I quickly sat up and grabbed my phone from the side table. I peered at the screen to see I had received a text from Liam. I quickly unlocked my phone to see the text read 'Walk outside real fast?'. Confused, I obeyed the text, got up, and opened the door to my back deck. I searched around, wondering if he decided to pay me a visit, but saw no one on the deck. The sun felt warm on my skin, and the air reeked of summer after a large storm. It was a beautifully perfect day out, and if my shoulder weren't so fucked up, I would probably be out by the train yards with Zayn, or at the beach with Alyssa. 

I went to step out on the deck, to see if I could find out why Liam wanted me to come outside, but stopped when my bare foot touched cool glass. My gaze phased downward to see a little vase, with a single rose inside it. A smile spread smoothly across my face as I picked up the rose, noticing only now that it wasn't a normal color, like red or pink, but a light blue color. My finger tips gently caressed one of the petals of the flower as I let out a small scoff of laughter. Seeing there was a small tag of paper tied to the rose, I held it close to my face to read it. 'Hoping you're feeling better Angel. Was wondering if maybe you would want to hang out tomorrow?' it read. I looked up, walking out towards the railing of the deck, to see Liam standing smack in the middle of my yard. His gaze landed on me, and the corners of his mouth formed a perfect smile, just like the night we met. Of course, I wasn't supposed to be thinking of that, but it was the first thing that came to mind. I rested my arms on the railing, staring down at him.

"You're not a quitter, are you?" I asked him, sarcasm rolling off my tongue.

"Well who would give up when there is so much to loose?" He chuckled.

"Hm, nice to know." I sighed. Liam shoved his hands into his pockets, then flashed me yet another hypnotizing smile.

" that a yes?" He questioned, then biting on his lower lip nervously. I scoffed, then removing myself from the railing, and returning to my room.

"Meet me here at noon tomorrow." I called out to him as I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. Flopping down on my bed, I continued to wonder about what would happen  in the near future. Moving away, choosing Liam or Louis, seeing Alyssa and Niall, and Harry and Clary...that is, if Harry ever even showed his face again. I wasn't angry at Harry, but I was still expecting at least an apology from the guy. But this was Harry Styles we were talking about. The guy who basically grabbed my boobs in gym like two years ago. So an apology might have been a lot to ask for. 

Still, I had to keep my head up, because the road ahead seemed to have a brighter end.

(A/N: So there is the end! Like I said, I am taking a long break from this story since I have to write the next book. So please please please let me know what you think, vote it, comment, share where you share things, and I will be publishing the next book in a few weeks hopefully! Also, be sure to check out my preferences, and my other fanfic, Back For Her! Thank you guys again so much for reading and I can't wait to show you what comes up next!)

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