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"And you know, that's all. I said goodbye and he left. That's it." I tell Gen about my day last night. I try to tell her as little personal information about James as possible because I don't want to invalidate his privacy.

We're currently sitting in a small park on campus with Gen and Hannah, who brought some coffee for us. I only have one lecture left for today and then I have to head straight home to get dressed for my shift.

Luckily I am catching up so far in my classes. Everyone else is a bit more advanced than I am since most of them come from academic families and already have basics knowledge in economy because of their parents. It's not too drastic though. I worked hard and studied a lot before classes started so I will be fine.

"That shit is so cute! I can't believe you had a guy over until 3am. Your mom would kill you." Gen tells me a bit too enthusiastically. Of course she's going to misinterpret the situation and make it something it isn't.

"I told you before. There's nothing romantic going on between him and I. He's twice my age." I remind her.

"Don't be so dramatic. You're both adults and there is absolutely nothing wrong with-"

"Gen." I interrupt her. I realise that a ten years age difference is not too scandalous but that's not the only reason why that scenario would never happen. "Don't make it awkward. He's nice and I like hanging out with him as neighbours, maybe one day as friends. But that's it."

I understand what makes them think that there might be something more between us but I know better than to chase after an emotional unavailable man. Besides, I don't even see him that way. Sure, he's handsome but not exactly my type.

"But you said you enjoyed spending time with him. And if what his friend told you is the truth, he's a good person as well." Hannah sides with Gen.

"Platonic relationships exist." I remind both of them, growing sick of this conversation. I feel like I am repeating myself all over again and they're just completely ignoring everything I say. We had this very conversation that one night at my apartment when we were with the girls, then later the week at the party when they found out we were texting and now again.
"I am kindly asking you to drop it for good. I don't like being romantically associated with friends or anyone else really. It makes everything just awkward and uncomfortable. I am not attracted to James romantically at all and you guys trying to talk me into it, won't change my mind. He's a cool guy. He has interesting point of views; he may be borderline depressed but he's still cool. But that's it. There are no other feelings involved, not on my part and not on his. Stop pushing it. Both of you."

"Is there anyone else then?" Hannah completely ignores everything I mentioned before.

"Anyone else?"

"Anyone else you're attracted to." She evaluates.

"No." I honestly answer.

"What about Adrian?" Gen intervenes.

"What about him?" What does he have to do with anything now?

"Are you interested in him?" Hannah asks.

"W-What?" I laugh since it's such a random question. "No. What do I even have to do with him? Why would you think that in the first place?"

"You never actually told me about the time when you guys went out. That one night a week ago when you two left the party earlier?" Gen mentions. I almost forgot about that.

"I never told you about it because there's nothing to be told. We went to his favourite place to eat and then I headed home." There's really nothing else to say. I don't know Adrian that well but from what I can tell he's a fun person.

The man with the gloves [bucky barnes ff]Where stories live. Discover now