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"Are you okay?"

"Why do you always ask me that?" I wonder as we walk next to the East river. The lights on the Brooklyn bridge are on and so are the ones from the thousand other buildings. I never felt this small.

"Because I feel like no one else does."

He's right. "I am fine. Just had a long past couple of days."

"Because of your brother?"

"Partly." And also Adrian. I still don't know how I feel about him and I don't even want to go on the date tomorrow anymore. And I hate myself for kissing him and then losing interest.

"Anything else bothers you?"

"No." I lie. I do want to talk about it with someone but not with him. And definitely not with Gen. She's too close with Adrian and I don't want to make things weird or complicated with them. Maybe with Orla? But I haven't talked to her in days so it'd be out of pocket to call her out of the sudden, especially since I haven't known her for that long.
I could call a few friends from home? But can I trust them enough? I don't know for sure but I am pretty certain that it wasn't a coincidence that Tristan found out. I need more friends.


Okay, fuck it. "I have a date. Tomorrow. With Adrian."

"He's the blonde who took you home a few weeks ago, right?"

I nod.

He hesitates for a moment until he asks me, "Do you like him?"

"I guess I do." Do I?

"You guess?"

I take a deep breath. "I should like him." I kissed him after all. "No, I, I mean I do. I like him but I am not sure it's the same way he likes me."

"You don't sound convinced."

"I kissed him last night."


"Oh." I reply. Oh? Seriously. That's all I can say? I have no idea what else to reply to that though.

And I have no idea why I am so bothered what she just said. I don't know that guy but he seems nice and if she likes him he must be treating her well. So why am I pissed now?

"I was drunk."

"So he took advantage of you." It's more of a statement rather than a question and it came out harsher than I intended.

"No, I wanted to kiss him." She opposes. "But now I don't know what I want anymore."

"If you don't like him that way, you shouldn't go out with him. You'll just get his hopes up." Sure that's the only reason you don't want her to go?

"I know but I told him that I wasn't certain about my feelings for him and he said that he didn't mind. It's just a date."

"So you already made up your mind?" Why is she asking me then? Technically she didn't though. She just told me about it and I got all heated up over something that shouldn't concern me.

But what if I don't want her to get hurt? There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect a friend.

Her brother was really drunk last night so he told me some things that he probably shouldn't have. I tried to ignore him most of the times, not wanting to invade her privacy but I couldn't anymore when he started talking about her abusive ex boyfriend. He told me things that she didn't. But after spending a few hours with her brother, I start to believe that he may have exaggerated a bit though.

The man with the gloves [bucky barnes ff]Where stories live. Discover now