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Gen's POV

I think I am pregnant.

Oh, wait. Never mind. I only had sex with women.

"Isla! I am not pregnant!" I happily announce as I enter our kitchen. Orla is out in a study group because she didn't pass her exams last semester so she wants to be fully prepared for this year. I wish I had her ambition. "What are you doing?"


"You don't cook." I laugh. "You can't cook. The last time you did that you broke two pans. Remember?"

"You're being really mean. I am hungry and I thought instead of asking you to make something for me I would watch a tutorial and cook something myself." She explains and then points to... I don't even know what it is. It looks like lasagna. At least I think that's what it was supposed to be before she burned it leaving it a clump of ash. "The pizza will be here in ten."

I laugh and help her clean the mess she made. "You can't cook. It's okay, baby girl. You have other strengths."

When we moved in a few months ago with Orla we all decided to split up the chores. I am responsible for cooking and going grocery shopping. Isla does the cleaning and laundry. Ora manages our finances, makes sure that nothing gets broken and if it does she is the one calling plumbers, janitors and everything. It works that way.

I don't know why she's so keen on cooking and doing so many chores around the house these last few days. No, I take that back. I know why she is acting this way. It obviously has something to do with the fact that she ran into James two days ago. She keeps assuring us that she is alright and that she isn't bothered but I know her. She's my cousin and my best friend. Seeing him hurt her. And finding out that he's moved on to some other girl broke her into a million pieces.

I guess I should be glad in a way. Maybe that's what she needs to move on? I had always secretly hoped that he'd come back, they'd have this little fight but then eventually make up again. I loved how he was with her. They brought out the best in each other.

Sometimes I wonder if that makes me a bad friend. Wanting my best friend to get together with the man who broke her? Maybe I am a terrible person. But maybe I am just a hopeless romantic who believes that love conquers all.
But on the other hand, I just want to grab James by the neck and choke him until he dies. I can't believe he fucking did that to her. And then he just moved on to some other girl? Please.

Some might argue that Isla did the same but everyone who knows her knows that that's not the same. Those guys don't care about her and she doesn't care about those guys. It's meaningless sex. And even though I wish she would find any other way to cope I am happy that she is at least smiling for a few hours when they are entertaining her.

"Hey, so, remember that guy from the bar two days ago?" She starts, not meeting my eyes. "He is actually really cool. We've been texting a-"

"Wait." I interrupt her. "You text? You don't text one night stands, Isla. That's the whole point."

"That's..." She sighs. "He is different. I know how I sound but we didn't even do anything when we went to the bathroom. We kissed and when I... wanted to go further he is the one who said that he isn't into that kind of stuff. We talked later that night and he is really fun. Like actually fun."

I don't know what to make of that. She could genuinely mean it and be interested in him or maybe this is just her way of coping with James dating someone. "Well, tell me about him."

"His name is Kyle. He is a guitarist in a band an-"

"Stop right here. You're not seriously dating a guy who's in a band. Isla. What about all those groupie stories we heard about? Do you want to end up like one of those Twitter girls that get shredded by 5 seconds of summer fans?"

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