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"All I am saying is that there is literally no need to do fireworks. It's just extra pollution for no reason." I explain. My brother went a bit overboard this year with the fireworks and I think it's simply ridiculous. Sure it's aesthetically pleasing to look at but other than that there are so many negative aspects.

But my brother apparently didn't give a shit when he spend half his savings on some illegal fireworks that he imported from Poland.

"Isla, don't be a pain in my ass and go help mom in the kitchen. She told me to get you." He turns back to Ryan to continue their preparations. I roll my eyes at them and walk into my house.

The past few days have been... alright. Of course I didn't have the guts to stand up to my mother and tell her that I would go home for New Year's Eve. So I stayed. And since she was still pissed at me she stopped bothering me and I didn't try to work things out with her either. So we've been staying away from each other. Which I am really grateful for.

"Isla, there you are. Help Marisa set up the table, please." My mother instructs when I enter the kitchen. I nod and help Ryan's mother. She smiles at me and hands me the plates so I can put them on the table.

"So, sweetheart," Marisa starts, "how is life going for you? How is New York treating you?"

"I love it. You definitely need to visit me there someday. You'd love it." Marisa always wanted to move away. She always dreamed of travelling the world but then she got pregnant and when Ryan's father left her after he found out, she didn't have a choice but to stay in her hometown.

"Oh, that would be amazing." She gushes over the idea. "We could go shopping together and go to fashion shows. You could show me around. Oh, Isla, stop, I am being silly again."

"You're allowed to be silly, Marisa. Besides, I think it's time for you to start travelling. Ryan is old enough to stay home. You are financially stable. Let this be your New Year's resolution." I advise her.

"Stop putting bees in her bonnet. Don't listen to her, Marisa. You can not just leave like that. You have a job, mortgage to pay, responsibilities."

"Life is too short to obsess over trivial things like that. If you're ever on your dead bed, what do you want to remember? Memories and experiences or responsibilities?"

"Life isn't always about what you want, Isla. But you're too young to understand that."

Before I can reply my father calls me. I excuse myself and walk to the living room. "You called?"

"Yes, I need some help with taking the Christmas lights off. Feel like helping me?" He asks. I know he is capable of doing it by himself but he probably overheard the upcoming argument and decided to rescue me.

"Of course." I sit down next to him and help him detangle the LEDs. "How did you survive over twenty years with her?"

He chuckles. "She is not always like this."

"So it's just me she hates. That's nice." I ironically say.

"She wants the best for you. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. She just doesn't know how to show her affection. Your mother actually used to be quite adventurous and fun back in the day."

"Now you are lying." I laugh. "Nevertheless, she is insufferable now. How do you endure that?"

"Because I love her."

"How can you love someone who mistreats you like this?"

"That's what love is about. You love the person more than you love yourself. You ignore all the bad days because you cherish the good days too much." He smiles to himself. "Besides, your mother is really hot."

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