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"I'll fucking throw up. I swear, Buck, I never felt this nauseous my entire life." I breathe. My heart is pounding like crazy and even though my dress doesn't have much fabric it feels like I'm sweating through it. "I didn't think she'd be here, too."

"You have to stay calm, doll." Bucky tries to stop me from hyperventilating. He takes my hand and presses a gentle kiss against the side of my head. "I'm with you."

"You said that once and then you left me for like half a year." I remind her but smile when he tightens his hold. "I am joking. I know you're with me."

"Come on, let's not keep them waiting."

I nod and follow him inside the restaurant. They planned on coming here tomorrow but apparently they decided against it and home today, on Friday, instead. I had no idea until they were an hour away and when Gab texted me that they are on their way. She thought I knew about mom coming so she didn't tell me but of course I had no idea. They arrived at the hotel and texted me the address of the restaurant nearby. I told aunt Dana, Gen and Bucky and we got ready within half an hour and drove here.

"Your mother looks excited as always." Aunt Dana whispers ironically as we walk towards the table. Bucky slings his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. He's trying to keep his cool but I know he's excited. Whenever he is he plays with my fingers and tries to be close to me physically.

"Isla." My father smiles when he spots me. He gets up from his seat and hugs me tightly. "How are you, honey?"

"I missed you, dad." I truthfully say back. It's been months since I last saw my father - in fact, it was New Year's. After that we only talked on the phone but I've always been close with my father so being away from him for so long is harder than I thought.

I break the hug and greet my siblings. Gab hates hugging so I just playfully punch her shoulder, then continue to kiss Lola and Logan. Tristan just nods at me, then continues to hug Bucky. I try not to get offended that he'd rather hug him than his own sister. 

When I reach my mother I want to hug her but she's not even looking at me. Her eyes are fixated on Bucky. Surely my father must've told her that he'd be coming today. Maybe she didn't expect me to actually bring him with me.

Bucky greets Gab and smiles at my younger siblings before turning to my father, holding out his hand to him. "Hello, sir."

"Hello, young man, and who might you be?" My father isn't short but compared to Bucky he seems tiny. Despite his initial shocked expression, he's smiling at my boyfriend and shaking his hand.

"James, Mr. Austen."

"Nice to meet you, James. You can just call me Robert."

Bucky nods his head understandingly, then turns to my mother. "Mrs. Austen. Nice to see you, too."

Again, no reaction. Not even a polite smile or nod. Nothing.

Everyone sits down again and so do I when Bucky pulls my chair back. I smile at him and sit down. Gen is sitting to my right and Bucky to my left which helps me with my nerves. At least a bit.

"Isla. I like New York. I want to move here, too, when I am older." Lola grins at me, breaking the silence. "I am going to be just like you."

"God save us." My mother murmurs under her breath. Very mature. "Dana. Tell me, who is that man you've presented so openly on Facebook.

"My boyfriend, sister." Dana simply says, not looking up from her plate. It's crazy how my aunt who's usually so confident and talkative, ends up looking like a small kid next to my mother.

The man with the gloves [bucky barnes ff]Where stories live. Discover now