Blood - Rico Brezenska

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CW: Mentions of needles and getting blood taken

"I can't do it"

"I really can't do it"

You were supposed to get blood taken for a medical test, but you were TERRIFIED of needles. You were currently in the parking lot in front of the lab, head in your hands with your girlfriend Rico seated beside you, rubbing your back.

"You'll be okay y/n. It will take no longer than 3 minutes, and you'll be free to go" Rico tried to console you from her spot on the curbside. Her words fell on deaf ears as you tried to control your tremors.

You didn't look in a right state to get blood taken, but you knew it was important so you let Rico lift you from the ground and walk you inside. Your legs were shaking and you held onto Rico's arm with a grip that could crush fruit, as she guided you to the front desk.

"Blood appointment for y/n l/n" Rico told the lady at the front desk. The woman types on her computer and looks up at you for a second and turns back to the monitor.

"Nervous?" She asked in a tone that indicated she did not care at all.

"Y-yes" you manage to squeak out through the roiling nausea in your stomach. Could can feel Rico's hand come up and squeeze your own connected to her arm as she guides you to a seat in the waiting room.

It was blessedly empty, but Rico did something that surprised you, taking you out of your stupor for a few previous seconds. Holding onto your arm she sat down in a chair and pulled you on top of her, adjusting so that she was comfortable enough. She brought her hands back up to your back and started rubbing, trying her best to calm you down. Pressed up against your lover as she rubbed your back and whispered in your ear did calm you down a little bit, and you were ultimately grateful for Rico's presence.

"Y/n L/n?"

A voice calls your name from the door leading to the lab, and you feel your stomach drop again. It was time.

Getting out of Rico's lap, you stand up on shaky legs and pull her up with you. You couldn't go alone. Rico squeezed your hands a couple times in reassurance as she followed you (well more like dragged you) towards the test station.

You arrived at the chair and sat down. You felt like you were about to throw up. Rico stood beside you, one hand on your head and one holding your own tightly. The nurse came up to you and gave you instructions as she prepped the needle and the canisters. You felt tears at the edge of your eyes and you turns your head and buried it into Rico's chest. You felt the nurse tie the tourniquet around your arm and grab it, and you tensed so strongly you were sure you blacked out for a few minutes.

When your finally regained your senses, the nurse was putting the cotton ball in the crook of your elbow.

"Y/n? Y/n we can go now. It's over." Rico said as she buried her face in your head.

With the small amount of energy you had left, you forced yourself out of the chair and wobbled to the exit, Rico supporting you up. You made it out to the car and slid into the passenger side slowly. Rico slid into the drivers seat and closed the door.

"I'm proud of you today y/n" she said and looked at you tenderly. You send her a small smile, one with the most strength you can muster. She lifts her hand and rests it on your cheek as she leans over and gives you a sweet kiss, calming every last nerve and easing every tension still in your body. You kiss back, anxiety traded for joy as you relax into the feeling of your lovers soft lips, and the feeling of her hair tickling your face.

Eventually you two pull away, but Rico's hand remains on your cheek, her thumb stroking your skin softly.

"Why don't we get some slushes?" Rico says with the same soft look in her eyes. Your own eyes widen in excitement at the thought of such a fun treat, and you nod your head enthusiastically. She chuckles and lets her hand slide away and grab back onto the steering wheel and turning on the car.

Rico pulled out of the lab parking lot, and made the 5 minute drive to the nearest convenience store. You both jump out of the car and run inside to the back where the elusive station was. You grab a cup and fill it with (favourite flavour) and Rico fills hers with lime iced slush. You two head to the counter and Rico pulls out her wallet and pays for the drinks.

You to head out of the store and walk towards the car. With drink in one hand, Rico slings her arm around your waist and you lean your head against her shoulder.

After the rough feelings of the day, you feel nothing but joy and peace now in the comfort of your lover's arms.

☆ ☆ ☆

A/N: We're now back to our regular scheduled programming. Sorry this one is so short, I wrote it while waiting to get blood taken lol.
Despite what the story sounds like, I actually have no problems with getting blood tests. (I like to see my blood shoot into the little jars)
I hope everyone is doing good!

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