Coffee for the road - Pieck Finger

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Modern AU

It was early in the morning. A little too early for you and Pieck, but the two of you had no choice but to get up early for the long drive ahead. The plan was to drive to the next province (or state whatever) to go to a friends wedding, but that meant that the trek ahead would be 8 hours of nonstop driving and crappy highway-stop meals. The two of you decided to stop at a cafe to get some fuel for the road, and one last moment of peace before the wedding festivities.

With the sun lighting up the horizon and the two of you in crummy lounge clothes, you and Pieck park at one of the local cafes that happened to be open at this ungodly hour. Stepping in the door, you are greeted kindly by the poor staff who have to be there, and make your orders. For Pieck, a vanilla latte and a bagel, and for you, (your fav drink) and (your fav cafe/breakfast food).

Picking a seat by the window, you and Pieck sit down to watch the sun rise from the quiet cafe. Seated in silence, head facing away from each other watching the colours light up the sky, you lace your fingers with Pieck's on the table, feeling the warmth of her hand in yours.

The barista calls out your names and you give Pieck's hand a squeeze before letting go and getting up to grab your breakfast. You bring the cups and bags back to the table and pass Pieck her food, and the two of you chow into your food, desperate to fill your stomachs for the long ride.

The two of you talk quietly between bites of food; excited to see your friends and talking about the wedding to come. When the two of you finished your food, you grabbed your half empty cups of coffee, dropped a few dollars into the tip jar, and left the cafe.

Sliding back into the drivers seat, you two sit in the car for a few minutes, taking a few more sips of the nice hot coffee before putting it away. When you knew it was time to get out on the road, you turn the car on and pull out of the parking lot.

You and Pieck intertwine your hands once again, sharing warmth as you look towards the oncoming horizon.

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A/N: hey guys! I'm so sorry this one is quite short, but for one, I am fresh OUT of ideas atm so please please please leave some requests I will try any situation.

Also; my plan for this collection was to post at least once a week, but I'm moving again soon, and I'm working really hard to find an apartment for myself and once I move in, I'm gonna be starting in art school and will be very busy for the next several months. Also my mental health has been deteriorated again so it's a little hard to get things done. I AM NOT QUITTING THIS BOOK!!! Don't think that this will be the end; I love this book a lot and you have all made my first fanfic experience amazing! I'm just not going to updating every week anymore for a bit. I might post bi-weekly or tri-weekly (depending on how things go) and I promise you they will be nice and juicy and long. I will however be continuing my scheduled updates for "Gothic", my other fanfic.

I'm super sorry about the disappointment guys, and I hope you guys are well!

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