House Spouse - Sasha Braus HEADCANONS

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A/N: Hey guys! this is my apology for the last chapter asdvsnhvf I was inspired by this image (below) about Soldier Sasha and Househusband Niccolo; except we are pretending he's not in the photo and thats you instead. No hate to my mans Niccolo but this aint about him. These are headcannons about you being Sasha's housespouse and what regular life is like.

I'm using House spouse because its gender neutral, but feel free to sub with Housewife, Househusband, or whatever

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I'm using House spouse because its gender neutral, but feel free to sub with Housewife, Househusband, or whatever

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- Because Sasha is in such a specialty level of military, she definitely makes enough for you to stay at home full time

- Sometimes it sucks because whenever she's gone for extended periods of time you just sit at home alone and worry about her

- But everything is fine when she shows up back home safe and sound!

- Sasha would definitely stop at a bakery or a sweet shop on her way back froma  mission or something to suprise you with a little treat (thats also part apology because she feels bad about leaving you alone like that)

- Whenever Sasha comes home, you always have her favourite meals ready for her

- And even if she comes back unexpectedly, you STILL have all her favourite meals ready because cooking them makes you feel more connected to her while she's away

- Not that you would ever tell her that though (she already knows amd feels so loved)

- When you are cooking for her she will hover around you in the kitchen 

- She just wants to spend as much time with you as she can 

- (and also steal some of the food)

- you have to swat at her hands several times throughout the cooking process to keep her away from the food 

- After eating half the ingredients you finally corral her towards the dinner table, forcing to sit down so you can just serve her 

- You serve her food as she's sitting at the table, admiring you with love while you aren't looking

- She will continuously complent your cooking throughout the meal

- will insist on cleaning up after but you keep shaking your head saying she's been working hard enough and that now is her time to relax 

- As you are washing up she'll come up behind you and wrap her arms around your waist

- "I'm still hungry y/n" 

- You huff because she JUST ate but her lips attach to your neck and you now understand what she means (really, who are you to deny her apetite )

- Besides, Sasha is really good with her mouth ;)

-  ... n e ways 

- Sasha DEFINITELY brags about you to all the other scouts

- She gets to go home to the most wonderful person who cooks all her favourite meals and listens to her constant rambles

- Jean is for sure tired of having to hear about you (he's mad jealous he doesn't have a house spouse)

- Mikasa definitely wants to come meet you (and get some homemaking tips heehee)

- Sasha will be in the mess hall eating (and though she's already CLEARED the plate) will say stuff like "my y/n makes way better food" or "this doesn't taste nearly as good as my spouse's cooking " and everyoneelse just has to sit there and not get the joy of having tried your food 

- As much as Sasha loves the comfortable, carefree space that return home allows her to occupy, she knows how much you worry about her

- She's also quite guilty how often she has to leave you

- So whenever she is at home, she spends every possible second with you, making sure she treats you just as well as you treat her

- If the weather is nice she'll invite you for picnic dates 

- And if the weather sucks she will cuddle with you on the couch and tell you about all the shenanigans she and her friends have gotten up to lately

- Will definitely draw baths for you and massage your shoulders if you are sore

- She just wants to remind you that she loves you so much 

- She knows you have nightmares about her, and every time you wake up in a panic, she's there, helping you calm your breathing and reassuring you that she's here, and alive

- She'll hold you until you are calm again, and even then won't let you go until you've fallen back asleep

- Even though she's sacrificing her rest.

- It's all for you though

- Everything she does is for you. You are the reason she keeps pushing in this dark world, and though she acts silly and carefree most of the time, she knows that as a soldier her days are numbered 

- But she knows that as long as you are safe and happy, she will be okay

- Basically Sasha is the best soldier wife and you guys get to live out the rest of your (very long) days happy together :)

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A/N: Haiii! I honestly forgot that I've already written Headcanons about Sasha but I dont care haha. I literally can not explain the absolute obsession I have with her rn like, at this point I have no mind, no thoughts; only Sasha. If u want more happy Sasha content I have started a full fanfic! Its called Ramen and its a modern college AU if anyone wants to check it out!

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