Hair - Mina Carolina

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Another request! I hope you like this one @JuneBugSpade !

It  was a Friday night and you and the other cadets had the evening off. You ran up to your girlfriend Mina after dinner, wanting to make some plans.

"Hey Mina!" you exclaim, running up to her and throwing your arms around her shoulders. She embraces you back, hands rubbing up and down your back in a comforting manner. The action filled your heart with warmth, the comfort of your girlfriend's loving touch.

Pulling away a little bit, but with your arms still hanging around her shoulders, you flash her a big grin.

"Since we have the night off, I thought we could hang out!" Your excited tone and wide eyes bringing a blush to Mina's face. She could see the stars in your eyes and the sunshine in your smile, and it made her feel warm and fuzzy.

She gave you a smile of her own and pulled you by the waist towards the barracks. You two walked arm in arm, entering the warmly lit room full of bunks. It was surprisingly empty. She led you over to her bunk, and you two sat down shoulder to shoulder against the headboard.

You two talked for a while, conversing about your childhoods and the summers you remembered. Eventually you asked about her hair.

"You always wear your hair in pigtails, and I've never seen you wear it any other way. Why?" The question seemed to catch her slightly off guard, and she was silent for a moment.

"I guess it's cause my mom always did it this way for me, and it's a habit I've never dropped" she said, shrugging her soldiers. The two of you fell into a small silence after that.

"Hey Mina?"

She humms, looking sideways at you. Your grin widens.

"Can I do your hair?"


A few minutes later, you found yourself on your knees behind Mina, while she sat at the edge of her bed; her soft silky hair tangled in your fingers.

Her hair was so soft and smooth, finally getting to see it out of her usual pigtails and running your fingers through it was a dream come true.

Grabbing the brush she had brought out, you slowly begin to brush her hair gently, running the bristles through her inky black hair.

"This okay so far?" You ask your girlfriend as you continue to brush her hair, then comb your fingers from her scalp downward.

She lets out a quiet hum, leaning her head back into your touch, her eyes closed, a small smile on her face.

You feel your heart swell slightly at her relaxed expression; knowing that she was the utmost comfortable with you. You continue to brush through her hair, the two of you sitting in comfortable silence; the occasional comment about training or the weather the only thing breaking the peace.

Well versed in hair styles and the likes, you begin to play around with different braids and crowns, twisting her hair every which way it can go.

You can tell Mina is loving the feeling of your fingers running through her hair, a small blush was visible on her face.

You had twisted her hair into a pretty and simple braid crown, letting a few strands hang out here and there. Still behind her, you place a soft kiss to the top of her head, and turn her shoulders around.

"Lemme see you" you say, turning around to face her so you can see your work. She smiled shyly as you marvel at your work. A big grin on your face, your turn Mina's head from side to side, looking at her. She was so pretty.

"How do I look?" She says shyly as you continue to gaze at your girlfriend in her new hairdo.

"Beautiful, as always" you say as her cheeks flush a crimson red.

"Show me, I wanna see" she says and you reach for the small handheld mirror and give it to her with a smile.

She gazes at her own reflection, a small smile and blush on her face as she turns from side to side. "I love it" she says after a minute, putting the mirror down and smiling widely at you.

She leans over and strings both her arms around your shoulders, clasping them around your neck and leaning towards your face. You lean in the rest of the way and meet her in the middle; lips colliding in a soft and passionate kiss.

You pulled her closet, lips still locked together in love. Eventually you two pulled away, but Mina still kept her hands around your neck, and you stuck up a hand to play around with the loose strands.

"I love you Mina" you saw with a soft expression, your eyes willed with stars at your girlfriend.

She leans over and quickly pecks your lips before returning your deep gaze.

"I love you too y/n". "And thanks for doing my hair".

☆ ☆ ☆

A/N: Hey everyone! I finished my last exam yesterday so I'm officially done school for the year! I hope to write more, maybe start a new fic within the next couple of months, but we'll see. I need to make money so...
Anyways I hope you guys liked this one. Honestly, (and please don't come for me) I totally forgot Mina Existed. I started AOT back in the 8th grade (I'm first year uni rn) and she just didn't leave an impression. Still a cutie tho.

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