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Years later, when you and Foxy escaped, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza was shut down for reconstruction, the other animatronics had broken down over so many years, just getting worse and worse.

A year later, the famous yet deadly pizzeria was back in business. New workers, animatronics, and more. You and Foxy being oblivious to this, one day heard it on the news.

"This just in folks! The old pizzeria and party gaming center that shut down years ago is now back in business. That's right, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Same location, same time, same theme. However we have reported that there are new friendly animatronics with better police communication high tech systems built into their endoskeletons to protect the kids."
You slowly turned your head to look at the TV, it showed the old building you once worked at, in horror you saw it was rebuilt and looked brand new.

"Foxy! Come quick!"
You shouted as you heard ruckus from the kitchen. He must have been burning the bacon again. Oh how he loved his meat.

You heard footsteps from behind you, and a loud clatter against the wooden floorboards. Foxy had dropped his spatula. The tall and muscular red eared and tailed human stared in genuine shock at the TV's news.

"No. No..."
He shook his head slowly running his fingers through his shaggy red hair. You walked over and held his hands in your's.

"It's going to be okay! I promise.. We won't go back, nothing is going to change how we've been living for the past three years."
You assured him calmly, your voice a bit shaky. You kissed his cheek and sat in front of the TV, sighing heavily.

Meanwhile, Foxy just stood there, his long tail drooped so low it brushed the floor. He walked back slowly into the kitchen and finished cooking, later eating an entire plate of burnt bacon.

'It's okay, I promise.. We won't go back..'
Your words kept ringing throughout his head. The pirate tried to keep calm. What was there to worry over?

You and Foxy left the old pizzeria three years ago, happily living together ever since. You got a job somewhere else, Foxy stayed at home, you were both afraid that someone would discover his other half, besides human. It's not like they were going to go back to that hell hole for any reason. You weren't needed there anymore.

"New robot animals to replace the old, co. workers told the news reporters. They were designed to look more like toys, smaller built and to appear more friendly."
The anchorman said on the TV, this caught both your and Foxy's attention.
Then on the screen showed four animals.

A bear..
A chicken..
A bunny..
And. A fox.
A white, makeup splattered fox, that looked like a girl. Foxy nearly puked up his burnt pig at the sight of it.

"What?! Tis that thar mongrel supposed to look like me?!"
Shouted the handsome red fox. He snarled and plopped down on the couch next to you.

"N-now now.. Heh.. I'm sure that's not supposed to replace you~"
You said softy with low confidence. You placed a hand on his arm, instantly feeling his muscles tense with anger and disgust.

"Why, that thar yeller beller looks like ye no good rotten varmin'-"
His sentence was cut off by a kiss on the lips from you. Softly, quietly. His eyes wide at first, then he closed his eye and sighed, holding you in his arms.

From Fox to Human: Five Nights at Freddy's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now