10| The Jealous Chicken

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It was Chica, she was standing from a distance next to Freddy and Bonnie. You and Foxy were still in Pirate's Cove, standing there. She gave you a death glare.

She squawked. Then she lunged at you pinning you to the ground and swatting at you with her metallic wings.

She hissed and screeched in your face with her glowing ominous eyes. Why was she trying to fight you?!

You screamed and kicked her off. Just then Foxy stepped in and locked his arms around her, threatening her to stop with his hook, he chocked her until she was cut open by his hook. Her neck spilled wires and electric sparks everywhere.

"Now which one o' yer wanna loose their frontal lobe?!"
The pirate threatened.

You realized what he was doing. They both shivered in fear and ran off back to the costume room. You turned your attention to Foxy, smiling brightly but rubbing your now aching head.

"That was pretty cool..."
You said. He grinned at you.

"Nothin a pirate can't handle young lass!"
He said.

"Make that a pirate captain!"
You said chuckling.

He returned, and you went to go grab your things. But you realized it was already past five AM.

What was the point of going to bed and coming back here in an hour? You decided to stay with him for the rest of the night, talking.

"So why was Chica so angry?"
You asked Foxy eating pizza together.

"Me believe that she was envious of ye. She sort of got those blubbery feelins' for me.. Hehehh!"
He said snickering, his voice was raspy and calm.

"Ahh.. But it's not like you don't have those blubbery feelings too!"
You teased.

"Thar be true!"
He cackled, shoving pizza crust in his mouth, he was quite the messy eater.

You decided to mop the stage, clean off some tables too. You had nothing else to do, just waiting for the next day to come. You glanced at the hallway that led to the costume room, where the animatronics were kept. Fearing they would come attack again.

But there's nothing to worry about, Foxy was always at your side.

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