6| Return of Foxy the Pirate Captain

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The next day was Thursday, you went into work extra early to be with Foxy. As soon as you got there first, you made sure the closed sign was still on the door and you turned on the power in the building.

And as soon as you did that and cleaned the kitchen, you could already hear footsteps come from the hallway. You turned to the threshold of the room and before you could see what was coming you saw a flash of red come flying at you. It was Foxy.

He landed right on you chuckling and surprisingly he felt a lot lighter, like he wasn't even made of metal.

"Hehh, good morning Foxy!"
You greeted him, guessing he was excited to see you as much you were to him.

"Top of the morning youngin!"
He said helping you up.

His claws were enormous! And sharp looking too, just like his fangs. He didn't even look like a robot anymore.. More like a real fox... That was taller than six feet. He even looked like a pirate. It's like the fur on his suit was real, and warm.

Compared to the other animatronics, he wasn't cursed, evil, or run down. In fact, he was almost handsome this way. But why is this transformation happening?

Weird. You went to go turn on the other animatronics. First was Freddy.

"We-ll well well hello there (y/n!)"
He greeted you cheerfully as he woke up.

"Hey Freddy. Foxy's back!"
You said smiling. But you immediately regretted it. The room went dark and his eyes became all black with those tiny white pupils, blood and black guck started to drip out from his eye sockets. The faint and evil, haunting whisper came back.

"(He what..?)"
You gulped slowly stepping away.

He screeched and shook his head, chattering his jaw rocking it back and forth. It scared the hell out of you. You couldn't escape his eyes and menacing, wicked, dark state that was now going to destroy you.

You slowly walked backwards bumping into things and panting heavily. You eventually slipped and fell and watched in terror as he stepped closer to you by the second ready to eat you alive. You saw the second set of teeth inside the costume and screamed.

You closed your eyes as the bear lunged at you, but by surprise nothing tackled you. Foxy just sliced through Freddy's stomach!

It ripped open the metal and broke multiple wires, black guck spat out, probably from the child's old body inside. The robot slowly shut down from his one powerful hit. He really just saved you from your death!

He called as you remained silent and wide eyed. He picked you up and held you bridle style.

"Are ye alright lassy?!"
He asked, wiping the black guck from your face.

You slowly nodded closing your eyes and resting your head on his furry chest.

"Ugh.... How am I gonna explain this to my cousin?"
You asked yourself.

"Don't 'chya worry kiddie, me sure ye can handle it. Ye can handle jus' 'bout anything like this."
The red fox assured you, setting you down in the security office. You turned on all the cameras and checked the clock. It was 6AM and more workers should be arriving soon.

"Quick, go to Pirate's Cove! It's almost six!"
He nodded running off, you went to go turn on Bonnie and Chica. They started to roam and go sing.

The smells of pizza and deserts filled the air and the halls became clean. Places were set up. Soon your cousin arrived and everyone was ready to start a new day.

From Fox to Human: Five Nights at Freddy's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now