9| A Kiss with a Pirate

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"Now, lass. Don't go cryin oer' tha past...."
He wrapped his long arm around you and pulled you in closer.

Foxy wiped your tears and looked you in the eyes, his golden eyes burned with passion and desire to do something. But you didn't know what exactly. You sniffed and nodded, smiling.

"There ye go!"
He said chuckling quietly. He then leaned into you, and you both touched noses, his moist black noise bumped against yours delicately and perfectly.

You had never been this close before. Then you Eskimo kissed. You both laughed.


You stopped and smiled at each other. He stood up taking your hand.

As he stood up you slowly saw his fur, his tail, his ears, and every animal trait he had morph away right before your eyes. You now realized what was happening. He was turning into a human!

His red fur became shinny new hair and a small beard. His fangs vanished and turned into normal teeth, and his ears began to grow smaller and smaller turning into human ears. He had multiple piercings, from his ears, to eyebrow, to nose. And a few golden teeth! As he slowly transformed it looked as if he glowed a beautiful crimson.

He had an entire pirate captains outfit on. He looked... Like a real pirate! He had a giant sword sheathed and also had a belt full of other small weapons. He was human alright.

"So... Why exactly is this happening to you?"
You wanted to hear why from him, you already knew what he was going to say.

" I love ye, (Y/n)."
You blushed, looking away, you expected that answer but it still caught you by surprise coming from him.

"Damn you sly fox."
You both giggled, accepting what has come to be.

"Mhm. And now that me human I can finally do this."
You stood there confused and as soon as you looked up he kissed you on the lips.

It tasted like blood but you didn't mind. He was so cute as a pirate, and he looked your age. You stood there kissing for a while, his hands on your waist and your arms around his neck.

You noticed him blushing too, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head with a giant goofy smile on his face.

Called a high pitched voice.

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