19| Memories

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As the old gang watched the pile of new burn, you went to go grab a fire extinguisher, and you heard footsteps come along behind you, knowing it was Foxy. You all smelled like burnt plastic and metal.

As you searched the back rooms for a fire extinguisher, Foxy closed the door behind you two, smirking at you, locking it with his hook.

"Uh... Hey there.. Pal."
You said, staring at him intensely. He licked his fangs and stepped closer to you, pinning you against the wall.

"Mighty fine killin' earlier.. Would ye like a reward for yer' great efforts?"
The sly fox asked.

"Oh? What kind of reward?"
You asked in a sarcastic tone, looking up at him since he was way taller than you.

"Hm, whatever ye heart desires."
The redhead replied, you raised an eyebrow and loosened up a bit, looking at his chest, then his lips, then his eye. Next looking at the wall near you and seeing a fire extinguisher.

As soon as Foxy was about to aim for your neck, you slipped under his arm and called,

"Oooh~ found one!"
You cheered. Wanting to do those types of things with him, but now wasn't the time.

The pirate asked, looking at you and sighing. You both walked out of the room and headed back to the others, putting out the fire and noticing it was about to be dawn of Saturday.

"We need to clean this up, before the rest of the people come back."
Freddy said. And so all of you cleaned up the mess and set everything up the way it was Monday night, the task didn't take that long.

Next you all sat and stood on the stage, you mopped the burnt marks on the wood from earlier. Noticing Foxy was watching you the entire time you cleaned up.

"Alright, everything's ready."
You stated, frowning a bit. The fox noticed.

"What be the matter kiddie?"
He asked, pushing himself off against the wall he leaned on before. The others turned to look at you.

"What's gonna happen to the four of you? You all are free now. So, will you guys remain here entertaining the kids? I mean.. Everything's back to normal. How it used to be. Before you all were cursed by the children's spirits."
The animatronics and Foxy looked at each other, suddenly smiling.

Chica began.

"We're all going to stay here, and stick together.. As a family. And with that decision, we want you to stay here and work too. Foxy agreed to becoming a show entertainer and waiter. And the rest of us will just be ourselves again. And you as the owner, of Freddy Fazbear's. We know you could do it!"
The chicken said. You couldn't believe what you heard.

"Me...? The owner? I- I don't know.. That's a lot and-"
You stopped as Freddy smiled a big genuine smile at you. The one he gave to you as a child.

"(Y/n), do you remember when you were a child and I always told you that you'd grow up to be a jolly go follow of a worker here at my restaurant?"
Freddy asked.

"And do you remember I used to tell you all the time you'd be one fine chick?"
Chica asked.

"You remember when I used to tell you that you were a great play mate? And a wicked guitarist?"
Bonnie asked.

"And las... Ye member' when I used to say I loved ye for who ye is?"
Foxy asked.

"It's because we meant it."
Freddy concluded.

You couldn't help but cry a bit, tears ran down your face and you quickly wiped them away. Thinking of how your grandfather used to say you were such a talented girl. You remember how Foxy turned from fox to human. You remembered how Chica would be so jealous of you, and you remembered that Bonnie was the nicest when you always felt down, and how Freddy always sang a jolly song with you.

You remembered that everyone...

Everyone, was just so kindhearted to you. You cried even more, missing those days but happy to see new ones thrive. Foxy came over to hug you, he rocked you in his arms slightly and caressed your head.

Everything will be okay.

From Fox to Human: Five Nights at Freddy's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now