17| A Devious Plan

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"W-wait.. Three years?!"
Bonnie began to worry, they all looked at each other. You remembered how awful they treated you when you and Foxy both used to work here.

"Hang on a second. Where's Foxy."
This wasn't even a question, Freddy demanded that you told him, because it was obvious he wasn't around.

"Well.. t-that information is unknown bec-"
Your sentence was cut off by a voice you knew like the back of your hand.

"I'm right here!"
Foxy stood as a human in front of the three animatronics. He wore his entire outfit like he used to. His pirate captain outfit, his real weapons and his attire was newer than it used to be for some reason.

The three animatronics stared in awe, even you.

Chica squawked, her jaw dropped. You smirked at the way she looked at him.

"Tis I."
He exclaimed. But, why did he come here? How did he even get here? You took the car..

His voice was calm yet extremely stern. He walked over to the four of you.

"Fine repairin' (Y/n)."
He said, winking at you, you knew he had some sort of plan.

You tried not to smile at how he looked, so you looked away and blushed.

"Foxy. What happened to you?"
Bonnie asked, crossing his arms.
Freddy did the same and nodded. He explained the entire story, helping them remember everything clearly before they got shut down. And now that everything made sense to them, they grew furious.

"Well, now I remember! You took off from this place and lived with that hag for three years!"
Chica chirped viciously, pointing at you.

"It's all her fault we lost our jobs, business, and overall our careers! Foxy, we've been replaced by these dumb toys! Do you have any idea how-"
The yellow animatronic was interrupted from her rant by a slap, from Foxy.

"Tis not her fault! Get er' hold of ye self Chica! No one be talk barnacles on a fish's fin about (Y/n) around these parts!"
Foxy shouted, she backed down, Bonnie as well, however Freddy still stood strong in his own opinion.

You stood there silently watching the four, even though what just happened didn't really bother you, you smiled. The four were finally reunited. Alas after three years.

"Now. Here's what us do. Me got a plan.."
The pirate stated.

"Hold your pepperoni's lover boy, but aren't I the one who's always in charge here? It's MY pizzeria you know."
Freddy declared. He narrowed his eyes at the redhead.

"Actually. Tis be (Y/n)'s pizzeria. Her great grandfather be created et'."
Foxy talked back. Narrowing his eye as well, his eyepatch remained on.

The bear sighed and gritted his jaw against his endoskeleton, glaring at you.

"Fine. Go ahead captain."
Foxy motioned for you to join in on the plan, as the five of you listened. You couldn't help but grimace evilly at the fox's plan.

"It shall take five nights."
Was the final thing he said. Then you repeated his words slightly.

"Five nights at Freddy's."

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