5| Free Fox

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"Heh, after that fine fixin' you did there, I finally be returnen' to my old self, ye understand?"
He said. You tried to comprehend.

"Uhh... Okay.."

"Please lassy! Ye got to get me back on that thar stage! I miss it dear! And me must get revenge on that scaly wag no good rottn' bear."
You raised a brow.

"Why do you want to get revenge on Freddy?"
You asked.

"Fer so many years he treated me like kelp fer' brains and kicked me to the dirt! (Y/n) I be okay now, thanks to ye!"
He looked down at you with soft eyes.

From his gentle glance and touch on your arms as you looked up at him, you closed your eyes and shook your head stepping away.

"Aye! (Y/n) where ye headed?"
He trailed after, walking beside you.

He didn't make those robotic noises anymore. And his legs were returned to normal, they looked brand new as well. In fact his entire suit looked new to you, this defiantly wasn't all you're doing like he said it was. It was something else. His gears and bolts didn't clank like old, wires didn't stick out, and he looks as if his endoskeleton was made yesterday.

You said, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was five AM already, where had the time gone?

He said flattening his ears and drooping his tail.

He walked away back to Pirate's Cove. You sort of felt bad. You gathered your things and turned the lights off, and before you left you went back to the main room where Pirate's Cove was, the drapes were still wide open.

You took the sign "Sorry, out of order!" down and hugged Foxy.

"I'll be back tomorrow, but for now, get some rest. You have a show tomorrow."

From Fox to Human: Five Nights at Freddy's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now