4| A Late Night Wash

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Twenty-seven years later, 2014.

Your grandfather had passed away and your father got fired from working night shift at the pizzeria, he went insane and only a few family members were left in the business and now your cousin was the owner of the pizzeria. The old 80's classic restaurant was slow and dull, not how it used to be at all. Less customers came because of the long temporary shut down due to poor sanitization and filth.

Good news is, just like you had dreamt as a child, you became a repair women and also a security member. You were quite happy with your job. Late Wednesday night you had to close up the Pizzeria on your own. You stayed after hours.

You decided to go and fix the bolts and gears on Foxy. You haven't touched him in years. Do you dare now?

You went and fixed up the other three first, cleaned them up a bit and polished them. Getting rid of the rotting, decaying, blood and mucus smell. You then stood in front of Pirate's Cove, having flashbacks and memories come to mind.

The lights, music, pizza smells, candy, birthday parties, money, laughs and giggles, children, games, toys, prizes. So many good things and bad things happened here. You opened the curtains of the Pirate Cove and saw Foxy stand there in place, just as he did years ago before they shut him down.

However, there was something strange about him. Different. You didn't know what but you brushed it off.

"Night (y/n)!"
Your cousin called.

"Make sure you lock up and turn everything off before you go!"
He yelled from the door.

"Got it!"
You sighed looking at Foxy, the lights became dim. You stared at him hard and had a tough time moving him away from the stage, he was so heavy.

You finally made it to the spot and scrubbed him off, making him shine. He looked so old.. yet his eyes shinned new. You turned away and started to pack up your supplies.

"My have ye grown young lassy..."
Said a voice from behind you. You slowly turned back to Foxy, his eyes lit up like that old golden color they used to have, and he looked brand new all of the sudden.

You asked staring wide eyed at him. Did he just talk? But you thought he was shut down for good!

"It be me! What be goin' on after all these years kiddie?"
He asked stepping closer to you.

"Wait, what happened? I thought you were gone for good! And what happened to your robotic stuttering voice? And that creepy whisper too...."
You asked as you walked closer to him, looking up at his bright white fangs that smiled at you.

"Don't worry 'bout that youngin."
He said. His voice was still rusty and deep.

"Don't flatter me you sly fox, I'm not that young, I'm goin' on thirty-four soon."
You exclaimed, all he did was stare at you, as if he could read your soul.

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