|Lost Chapter|

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You walked along the halls of the pizzeria, tracing your fingers along the side of the walls and looking up at all the art work kids made. You hummed a pirate song about treasure that you forgot the words to, and began to skip.

You called, peeking your head through your father's office, as usual, the fan was on, the security cameras all turned on. But your father wasn't there.

You glanced around and huffed, walking up to his desk and sitting in his chair, looking through all the cameras. It was late at night and your eyelids grew heavy.

You rested your hand on your face and blinked slowly looking at all the camera angles. The one you kept your eye on the most was Pirate's Cove.

For a split second you saw the curtain open, and your favorite animatronic peek out of the cove.

You said to yourself, watching it closely and rubbing your eyes. You saw the fox head out of the cove and down the hall quickly.

To your surprise he came through the door. Foxy the Pirate Captain.

"Aye l-l-l-ass. Www-w-what'cha b-e-e doin' doin' doin' in yer papa pa-pa's o-o-o-office so late? Ye bes-t-t be gettin' get- gettin' on home kid-die."

"Hi Foxy!"
You didn't hear what he said, so you just ran up to him and hugged his waist. He patted your head.

"Ahoy (Y/n)."
He said, just then your father walked in on you two.

"What's going on here..? (Y/n), you shouldn't be touching the animatronics, you know how disgusting they are."
Your father said, grimacing at Foxy and pulling you away from him.

"Ah! But papa, Foxy is a nice animal!"
You tried to break free from his grip but you were dragged elsewhere, leaving the pirate all alone.

Your father didn't believe in spirits of the dead like you and your grandfather. He was too focused on his job. He was the head security guard, he wore a bright golden badge and a violet colored outfit.

However you thought that sometimes he was overworked. He had huge bags under his eyes, and he sometimes snapped and lost control from being stuck at the restaurant all night and alone. He always grimaced too, he always had a prickly face from his beard.

Your father had a cold aura, that wasn't that nice. But you didn't really understand this at the age of seven. He hated the animatronics too. And the four animals hated him too for some reason.

Father wasn't around the night the four children for murdered.

It never really occurred to you that he also smelled like blood and alcohol a lot. But his uniform was always kept clean.

You asked, holding his hand and looking up at him.

"If the animatronics hate you, why don't they hate me too?"
He glared down at you, you let go of his hand.

"I'm not sure, let's just go home (Y/n)."
Something twisted in your stomach from his response, and you both went home for the night.

The next morning you and father went to work early, you sat in your grandfather's office and spun in his chair, giggling to yourself and becoming dizzy.

There was a knock on the door, it was your grandfather.

"Grandpa! Hehe!"
You called for him and he walked in picking you up and twirling you in the air and kissing your cheek.

"And how is my beautiful granddaughter?"
He asked in a raspy tone.

You thought back to father.

"Grandpa? Why does Papa hate the animals?"
You asked him sadly as he set you down.

"That's a complicated answer (Y/n). And I'm afraid I'm not really that positive on the subject either."
He replied, folding his hands behind his back and going to sit down. The look in his eyes said:

'Why him. My son. Why him?'

You could almost see it. But shook it off, nodding to him and walking out and shutting the door.

You skipped and hummed your way towards Pirate's Cove. Calling for Foxy.
When he saw you he smiled a bit and walked towards you.

"And and and h-h-how's the (chump) lil' pirate d-d-doin' t-this this fine (terrible) da-da-day?"
Those same haunting whispers, that ran chills down your spine and the area that grew dark around you, what were they?

"I'm fine.."
You said, resting your head on his lower stomach.

"What wha-t-t be wr-wr-wrong (Y/n)?"
The red fox asked with a sad and depressed voice, he held you.

"Will you be my friend forever Foxy?"
You asked wiping your tears. He kneeled before you and held your shoulders gently, the tip of his snout touching the tip of your nose.

"Y-yyeyes kiddie. Ferfeerrrever."

"Nothing noth-ing will c-c-commee bertweenen uss."
The pirate confirmed, wiping your tears.

You smiled and walked off holding his hand in your's.

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